Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Cards In Punjabi

erotic idealism. Love and eroticism in the perspective of integral traditionalism Alexander Dugin and Julius Evola

existential romance is Platonism, not a vain longing for the artsy adventure.

(Nicolas Gomez Davila)

Eros in the age of Kali Yuga-

Love is not.

(from the movie " Bear")

Modern understanding of eroticism arises from the assumptions of materialism. It is appropriate profanicznym bourgeois societies. Affluent consumers are not in the sphere of so-called 'basic needs man ", next to eating, drinking, making money. That's classified "sexual needs" American psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), placing them among the most mundane and prosaic. Goes hand in hand with the spread of all sorts of unusual sexual references, which are used extensively in advertising, film, everyday language. Russian traditionalist integral Alexander Dugin (b. 1962) notes that in systems demoliberalnych sexuality, seen exclusively through the prism of Anatomical hedonistic, gained the rank of the factor explaining almost all the higher order reference man, whether for religion or the ideology or the culture. Contemporary panseksualizm recalls in this respect, the Marxist ideology, the assumptions under which, having or not having access to the means of production has a way of thinking determine człowieka1 whole complexity of human life is recorded as a result, "Desire," " libido," "sexual complexes," "frustration", "sexual dissatisfaction."

is one of the dimensions of ideology demoliberalnej, adopting a form of "sexual materialism. " For materialists panseksualnych erotic "relationship-bed" have the same meaning as for the rearing of Marxist materialists have a "class relations." Not coincidentally, in the United States - a country which is poured out demoliberalizm the whole world, so much the role of Freudian psychoanalysis panseksualna, searching for human behavior in any medium unaware of erotic. For erotic materialists are incomprehensible and sexual morality, and sexual abstinence, and passion, and asceticism. Passion is dangerous, because it is characterized by heroic types, the appearance of which leads inevitably to the so-serious in the eyes of demoliberałów "fascism" and "dictatorship." Asceticism is not within the limits of comprehension homo economicus and the logic operation "of the global market." The inclusion of sexuality within the framework of morality is incompatible with "human rights" causes "exclusion" and "stigma" of all those who, because of their weakness, these go beyond the frame. In the "advanced capitalist societies," sex has become one of the many offered on the market for goods and services. He became "Global currency", common to all mankind in the modern medium of exchange "contract society". This applies not only dramatically over-publicized by the leftist environmental cases, pimping and prostitution, but also a modern form of marriage, which is perceived not as a mutual service of the spouses, but as a solvable, conditional agreement, which every time you break up.

Democratization erotica far not led to the sublimation of feelings and for its greater sophistication. A good example is founded on demoliberaliźmie American society. According to studies carried out in the 50s of the twentieth century, seventy-five percent of American women showed sexual indifference, and their " libido" was release in ekshibicjonistycznym narcissism, the cult of health and strength in a sterile, aseksualnym wydaniu2 " American women are characterized by feelings of extraordinary coolness and materialism. The man who "associated" with one of them agrees to maintain it. (...) If the American divorce law strongly favors the woman. We therefore welcome they exist for a divorce as soon as the prospect of greater profits dostrzegną. Often, planning a marriage that she is already "engaged" with the next future husband, he intends to marry after his divorce from the previous lucrative 3, formalistic and materialistic, steeped in sexual obsession of American Protestantism, turned against the inherent nature of women, especially against the erotic side, which resulted in the long term "sexual revolution" of mass in the U.S. purse swamp "Fast and cheap" sex. Referring to the Anglo-Saxon Protestant and currents inspired by the Alexander Dugin writes: " Profanizacja erotica, sex - is not only a fundamental desire separation from the sphere vertically, it also sterilization of the erotic impulse. By turning into a commodity erotica, fashion, social motivation and so profane kill its essence. Hence the constantly increasing role of 'mental and visual erotica "in modern civilization - having lost quality, people try to fill this lack of quantity, the draw the following options crossing of taboo. None of this can not prevent the death of love - is it becoming less and less, the emotional heat is smoldering hot-aligned, and the carnal rapture turns into a median, erotic get used. The sexual revolution was the tide of despair. When it came to a stable fashion on Asexuality. Wyrodzenie are extremely pleased moralizatorów erotica: Love - their main enemy since Creation - discredited, subject to entropy, profanizowana and turned into a grotesque impotence. In its struggle against "animal kingdom" in man moralizatorzy created an automaton, "covered with tomb ", Homo rationalis, machine, devoid of the secret fire. Extreme cynicism - calling it a triumph of Christian ethics wyrodzenie (as they do Protestants, champions pseudochrześcijańskiego moralizing) 4th

demoliberalny World is a world in which men and women were stripped of their inherent nature. After the abolition of the caste system and social relations based on the principle of protection of personal "dignity" and "rights" and also underwent individualized egalitarnemu Unification of units, it is no longer possible that there are appropriate references between the sexes. Feminist revolt against femininity "went trail emancipation of slaves and glorified people without their own caste, and without tradition, pariahs " 5 However, " so-called feminism, was not able to find for women of a different nature than by mimicking the male nature, and so feminine "demands" to hide a fundamental lack of confidence in itself and an inability to be and to function as a real woman, not as a man. According to this misunderstanding, modern woman held its traditional role as niedowartościowującą it and would not longer be considered "only as a woman " 6 Destruction of both female and male in the crucible of the democratic nature of bourgeois society caused natural decay and the sensitivity of attributes relevant specific genders. Male demoliberalnego world, it is no longer " real man, but a puppet standardized and rationalized society, which no longer knows, nothing is actually discriminatory and suitable quality. 7, competing with him in the masculine woman is la garçonne ; acquirer characteristics of a typical male, looking for ways to carry on the way men, unable to rise above its mundanity, to make élan than myself.

In traditional European culture, the woman was accompanied by death. Unable to respond to love, became a cause of death for men in love with her, she is also dying. The concept of the Italian humanist Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) filled the human soul, an ethereal substance called pneuma, which maintain the balance of influence and understanding of the soul - the rules of life and resident understanding, and allowing the body to explore the surrounding world through the senses. Getting to the mental system of man, image of a loved one - in the event of failure of love - could cause a disturbance in the functioning of pneumy, irreversible disease of imagination, finally forgetting the vital functions and death from exhaustion. The painting by Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) degli Onesti Nastagio (first episode), we see a naked girl torn by dogs. It is a scene from the story told by Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375) in his collection Il Decameron . Illustrates the fate of those who are unable to respond to genuine love. Los girls are contrapasso (revenge) for the fate of patients with love. In this case, themes of death due to love and cruel punishment for the rejection of love, are not only sentimental exaltation, with the deeper, esoteric meaning. Coincidence 'cruel hunting' became one of the most famous episodes and also one of the most puzzling fifteenth-century esoteric works, which is written by Francesco Colonna Dominican (1433-1527) Hypnerotomachia Poliphili .

Evola sees the cause of death in the disappearance of love diversity of the people. There is a mutual attraction between opposing magnetic poles. Its necessary elements are so "masculine" men and "feminine" women. What can, however, occur between the existences of zmiksowanymi unspecified nature of spiritual beings who in his spiritual decline are no longer either women or men, or women are zmaskulinizowanymi or feminised men who claim to have reached full sexual satisfaction, while in Indeed, gave up only a contraction? What may appear among those for which coitus was reduced to a physiological or emotional dimension? In a society where there is no hierarchy, which does not understand the ethical content of an ascetic and warrior figures, in which the hands of the last aristocrats seem to fit better to hold the tennis racket and a glass of cocktail than the sword, or scepter, in a society where the epitome of masculinity and social reference point is dandy metrosexual in a pink sweater, prostytuujący actor before the camera, always sweaty-groszorób banker, MP - oaf of the Sejm with dirt as nails, wrapped in a candidate to be his contre-nature , mismatched suit - in a word, bourgeois and democratic society in which the surface scum of the bourgeoisie emerged, there can be no room for eroticism. Eroticism is nourished by the fact of moral discipline, " actual sex life, much more abundant, richer is hotter and, where fierce moral norms governing where sex occurs only in specially designated for them within the cultural and social, not reaching out to other spheres human life, as it is liberal in the world. "8

In view of erotic materialism, sexuality dominion over a man as a manifestation of his physical nature, as an expression of his deeply embedded, instinctive desire for pleasure. According to the advocates of Western, liberal and atheistic materialism, the constant pursuit of pleasure would be a basic feature of human nature. Sexuality would have to provide explanations of various cultural phenomena, or even of humanity in general. Such beliefs have always accompanied profańskim and skeptical attitudes, regardless of the appearance of the and culture, its peak and all-encompassing, however, found expression in psychoanalysis and the modern, western "seksocentryźmie.

erotic symbolism and metaphysics

Bele amie, si est de nus: Ne vous sans
mei, ne jos vu sans

(Maria of France)

For the people of Tradition, to what material is suitable sense of reference to the spiritual, so the reference to "upwards". Every thought and every thing is to assess because of its location and its role in human conduct "upward" toward self-knowledge and transcendence. Earth here is a symbol of the feminine principle, giving life, safety and care. Symbolizes the male principle while the sky, with rain and sunshine that make the land fertile. For the people of Tradition, therefore, is a symbol of eroticism, mystery, behind which hides a deeper, ontological significance. Understand, decode and execute this symbolism is the responsibility of man. Sex is a ritual, which revealed the nature and order of things. In the world of Tradition, erotica is a reflection of a hidden, deep ontological doctrine, by funding all religious cultures. And just as the doctrine, teaching, as the revelation of a higher order of things, people read out the secret tradition of impulse, which for centuries man turned toward the fiery energy of the woman, and a woman inclined to donate to a man. Sex is its central location, not because of the fact that the subconscious mind speaks a man with instincts, but because it is related to the spiritual order of things, but readable by humans, inter alia, and eroticism. In the sacred world of tradition, the essence of sex is not a technique, but his ontology and symbolism. Julius Evola writes: " in the traditional vision of the world, things exist in reality correspond to the symbols and the action of the rite, what emerges from these letters, the rules for understanding the symbolism of sex and regulate the relationship to be established between men and women in each, normal civilization. "9

According to Evola male and female principles are against their opposition, but in the creative process of formation, which in the opinion of this thinker," the soul of the world's traditional ", are transformed into elements of a larger whole within which retain their specific functions. Men's principle represents fullness and completeness, while the female quest for completeness. "Mobile" female principle, which left to itself, is hampered by its "centrifugal" and "transitory" nature, is supported by the male principle, immobile, which is the limit for her nerve mobility. This leads to the synthesis in a positive sense, as a rule the female penetrates the stability of the male principle, so that all the possibilities of the latter are close transfiguration. As in the case of men, as well as in women exceeded their limits nature is possible through the heroism of "active" or the heroism of the "passive", through an act or an act of absolute affirmation of absolute devotion, symbolized respectively by statues of a warrior and an ascetic. Implemented in chastity, in the sense of absolute devotion, the path leading toward self-awareness and the hill towards the "life that is beyond life." According to the different planes of existence, the traditional law on equality was to reduce a woman everything for men, while in man, everything feminine. The aim was to realize archetypes "absolute man" and "absolute woman." " We know that every traditional civilization is founded on their will to organize and give a" form "and that traditional law is not directed at what is incorrect, egalitarian, and undefined, or in other words, towards what is a mix of impersonal, which different parts are similar to each other in a chaotic and like atoms, but rather seeks to these parts are themselves and uzewnętrzniały their individual nature. Thus, in relation to gender, male and female are two different types, and those who were born as men, must pursue as men, while born as women, must be realized as a woman, overcoming any inaccuracy in the mixture and vocation. Even according to their calling, supernatural, sex must be assigned their own separate ways, which can not be swapped without turning them into self-contradictory and inorganic ways of being "10

etymology of the word "sex" indicates a "chapter", "tiara", "half." This means that the postulate of erotica is to participate in a sexual act two principles, rather than one, three or more. The establishment of the first dyad, we read in the biblical book of Genesis, which begins a sentence, that " God created the heavens and the earth " (Gen. 1.1). Creating marked rise so pairs, not individuals or groups. From this fact originates later ontological dualism, illuminate the earth sun and moon, the day is divided into day and night, heavenly fruit tree of the knowledge born of good and evil, God created man in the persons of two different sexes - " created man and woman " (Gen. 1.27.3). Scripture teaches us, therefore, that diadyczny nature of the world stems from the decision, the Creator of Creation based on the structure of the two "halves", which is the archetype of heaven and earth.

dualism in Hindu tradition is known in the form of distinction between the masculine principle of complete " Purusha" (sans. पुरुष ) and the female principle pakrti (sans. प्रकृति ), each of which fulfills its proper role. Similarly, in Chinese culture is known distinction between the mutually complementary principles yang and yin , the first of which respectively represent the sun, the sky and the masculine and the second, moon, night, earth and feminine. These principles are interdependent, it requires a manifestation of the earlier "rozpołowienia" the entity which manifests itself and the entity to which it comes into manifestation. So there is a separation of the body active and passive entity, on heaven and earth, masculine principle and the female principle. " Therefore, a woman could participate in the traditional hierarchical order of holy only to an indirect fashion, through its relationship with a man. "11 Women's spirituality is a chthonic, without providing an alternative to man's spiritual journey, but as an affirmation of women's dharma (sans. धर्म), a complete elimination of any personal element, which also paves the way for the transmission by oracular voice of women or the voice of God, which to a large extent be explained by known different cultures, female mysticism, or the participation of women in the state of a clergyman.

described herein "rozpołowienie", and thus the sex, so it is a precondition of any emergence, creation, all manifestation. Also, on the contrary, any appearance has as its reason for existence of a dyad. The problem is related to sex, therefore, the fundamental foundations of ontology, is the problem of spiritual and metaphysical, and his approach and attitude to him, should include the living conditions of the reality side. Eroticism - a magical tendency of man, his unrelenting anxiety, niecichnący pulse, the spiral of the meaning of his sacred meaning leads to a fundamental human archetypes, shaping reality in its deepest aspects. " In its ordinary and everyday experiences, in their organic and" natural "life, man participates in the astonishing work of creation, in the original drama dyad formation, where the sky spirit in an amazing way to meet with Mother-Earth, as with something different than it same, while the black earth of the ecstatic looks at the absolute horror of cold blue, blue sphere. A man and a woman, separated from each other and separated mysterious decision at any time instantly want one another, raising the ontological relationships of the original, pre-human world of the metaphysical, which was still visible stamp of the Creator. "12

essayist and advocate of a United Europe, Denis de Rougemont (1906-1985), one of the main themes of his book Myths about love 13 makes the story of Tristan and Isolde, paying attention to the current in it, and is fundamental to European culture , the idea of \u200b\u200bunrequited love. The highest voltage is achieved in the erotic dimension of the tragedy, the separation of 'halves' deciding to remain in the distance from each other. This tragic figure cultures founded on the tradition is inconceivable for "erotic materialists" such as the Americans - acolytes secular "modernity" in which drama is muted trembling living in deprived deeper references, aseptic, vegetation. Tristan and Isolde, for three years happily living together, living in the forest; Aspra meinent vie dure et / s'entraiment Tant de bone amor / L' por uns l'autre ne dolor sent. Despite this, however, decide to leave then, but no does not cease to love another. Isolde returns to King Mark, Tristan leaves in distant countries. Only join the other side of death, when the hawthorn grew on the tomb of Tristan is immersed in a grave Iseult the Fair.

eschatological sense of eroticism

ISOT has Drue, ISOT m'amie
En vos no mort, ma vie en vos!

(Godfrey of Strasbourg)

explanation for this seemingly absurd decision of a voluntary and conscious separation brings us to the mysterious backdrop of sacred sex, which can not be satisfied with the provisional and fragmentary intercourse two lovers, but it demands a "eteryzacji" absolutizing in marriage, which must rely on the very inseparability of the spouses, becoming one flesh . This inseparability is not possible, not only because of the physiological characteristics of the human body, but also because of the very structure of the universe, after all, made up of pairs of life-death, day-night, top-bottom, etc. The earthly love is doomed to disaster , which gives it a tragic character. From the first appearance of feeling, it is subject to the laws of the United dyad, inexorably space separating couples. The tragedy that we see in the picture, for example, Tod und Frau German Renaissance artist Hans Baldung (1485-1545), in which a naked woman with her face contorted with fear, is kissed by a skeleton, symbolizing death. Love and death intertwined in an inseparable embrace his mad dance dance.

Love brings with it a metaphysical tragedy, a hidden desire to reverse the irreversible order of the world, who would prefer to see the lovers as being based on principles other than the laws of Great dyad. Developed in the Middle Ages heretical, inspired by gnosticism, mysticism, the French troubadours and German minnesingerów, told them to decipher the word "amor " as "a-mors " or "non- death." Love was a central element of their esoteric doctrines, their passion du Reel , the ultimate ontological longing for a world before Creation, before the creation of the United dyad, a fact that they considered the destruction of the original Unity, harmony, fullness. Death is therefore not the end of creation, but it is accompanied from the outset. Troubadours in their erotic songs and rituals passed encrypted doctrine, and let the exaltation of love would allow to overcome the deadly fatality Great dyad and reach areas not subject to the authority of the reality of death.

cry they knights of the medieval Knights Templar were "Vive Dieu Saint-Amour! . " This exclamation refers us to the words of the Apostle John from the New Testament , where he recorded sentence spoken by him that "God is love ." It is expressed in a particular pathos of Christianity extreme and uncompromising spirit of a desire to fill the message of the Apostle Paul. While the latter, writing in Galatians " is no longer male nor female " meant transcendent, uncreated, and standing above the creation of the world where the rules are dealt with the Creation, the principles of the United dyad. The apostle spoke of the transition rule of law, and so on "overcoming the created" to overcome, which has taken place with the advent of uncreated, though begotten Son, who has conquered death and who is love. In the Gospel we find the word " heaven and earth will pass away, my words will remain forever ." That's Tristan and Isolde are gone, the symbols of male and female principles of heaven rules the earth. The rest only their love, forever living on the other side of death. So this is precisely the paradoxical course of things, death opens the way to Immortality.

weaving Secret Cupid and Thanatos, love and death, waiting and longing, filled people's hearts desire unity, achieve the impossible. It is impossible quench the desire nor the disturbing path of debauchery, or abstinence. It is the longing for transcendent marriage, wedding magic on this side of reality. Similarly, in the stories of the Prince of the Fairy and the Beautiful Lady come to life's deepest, most archaic archetypes present in every person, regardless of its age and historical period in which he lives. Looking for Beautiful Lady secretive life gives impetus to every man, waiting for Prince Charming is an internal drama of life of every woman. Marriage is at the heart of Christian symbolism. Wedding Lamb connected with the period of the Last Judgement, the end of the world. Christianity as a religion of eschatological, teaches about the coming end of the world. His announcement was the first coming of Jesus. Then what is impossible in a world governed by the law dyad, it will become possible thanks to the transforming power of grace. Before that happens, however, must attempt to come Antichrist, apostasy and apostasy, after which the fullness of grace will be revealed to the world. Promise revealed few, will then become visible to all. End of the World, the end of Creation, will be the end of separation, emerging ontological and metaphysical yearning for Beloved. According to Alexander Dugin, in this lies the deepest meaning of Christian revelation revolutionary love. The world and love are not compatible. World, based on the law of dyad kills love, it inhibits and degrades. There may be either the world or love. If he kills the world Love is love someday take revenge and destroy the world.

In one of the works tajemniczego14 alchemist Fulcanelli nicknamed find information about popular among Celtic warriors przechwałce that they are not afraid of anything, except that one day the sky will fall on their heads. In other words, the world will exist until it will be reversed as described in Genesis rozpołowienie Heaven and Earth. "In times End of the World they are no longer two. Heaven and Earth will close in the inseparable embrace, dying as "Old Sky," and as "old earth", but rising in the world of transcendent spiritual marriages. Tiring, insatiable love of the earth to Heaven, and Heaven to Earth, which is ancient rules are flushed into each other on over such a long cycle will disrupt the spell of the initial arrest and bad in passionate embrace.

world ends. Love begins

Last Revolution

Amor vincit omnia


erotic victory of materialism in the West has already taken place. The Templars and the Gnostics were of love long ago defeated. Fedeli d'Amore disappeared in the depths of history. O God, no one remembers. Sex moved to the virtual world, or has undergone an extreme vulgarization. "Romantyczkami" called internally rotten teenage whores with big families of intellectuals, who at the age of fifteen years later, reflects a sloppy and just anyone. Love Drenched in the gutter. Sacred has been banished to the periphery, "civilized" world, the "backward" and "barbaric" the South. Nobody is looking for the Holy Grail - the knights of old and replaced the salon wykwintnisie wymoczki in pink sweterkach "from Ralph Lauren." Heaven and Earth have lost binding of each other for thousands of magic feeling. Sky closed in the blue of his realm, pollution from the fumes of industrial civilization. Earth - ulcerated ropieniami cities, mangled steel, glass and concrete tools dzierżonymi the conductors of a globalized economy, is staring at its rotting surface. Tree of Life, cut, fell, its crown is the visible horizon abroad - so powerful and high was his stock of paradise.

Conservative Revolution turning against this world, against modern Western world, anti- Marine Atlantic civilization, against the "state of the dead," in which all the passions are extinguished, it is all-encompassing doctrine, Weltanschauung. It penetrates the very essence of human life, showing the way its internal transformation. Gabiś Thomas wrote that "there are roads equally spaced peaks, as the gap (...) not (...) such roads shall wander man, if he wants to keep himself" proud and wild flame Vikings and the nobility of the Crusades "Conservative Revolution draws .16 So his own doctrine of metaphysical, ethical, political, social, and finally sexual. It is to be grasping this point, allowing the chaos will respond to the form, fill material and the spiritual, as opposed to so dead to the world of numbers and indices. Alexander Dugin

erotic doctrine Conservative Revolution refers to as "extremist erotic idealism", enumerując following its principles:

Erotica - is not the current weakness of man, but his power potential

Erotica - there is something intelligible in itself, but the great mystery and a deep mystery, the solution of which is the responsibility of every human being.

Erotica - primarily property, then the psychological, until the end - carnal

Erotica is associated with sacral forces and energies, and therefore it stands to meet the economic and consumer relationships - it can not be a form of "commodity market".

Erotica, being inherently linked to the mystery, night of being a party should not be cultivated in the light of day, life context.

Erotica is an intimate, can not be reconciled with socialization, osobowemu belongs, rather than the Community level of reality.

Erotica egalitarianism do not know, it has no "gender equality", is based on a strict hierarchy, which takes place above the man, woman and child a place.

Eroticism can be realized also through the form of an ascetic, which in some cases turns out to be not only normal, but a higher way of sex.

Erotica should bear the ritual and symbolic nature, which refers specifically to marriage, which is one of the sacred mysteries.

According to the Russian thinker, but erotica satisfying the above nine points can be regarded as normal and wholesome. Deviation from it being "erotic materialism," or otherwise, calling him, "(demo) liberal sexuality", and should be regarded as a pathological deviation, almost as perverse.

Dugin draws attention to the misunderstanding of the distinction between agape - sacred love to God and eros - "sinful" carnal love. In fact, there are distinct and opposing impulses, but two steps go ahead with the same feeling - which can lose yourself in labyrinths of psychological horizontal desire, however, also likely to sublimate in a vertical impulse to the heights of metaphysics. This is indeed the biblical Song of Songs - which is a deep theological treatise recounted language hot and passionate love of the flesh. Pharisaic moralizing is thus an attempt to deprive the eschatological revelation of his power, his universalism, the intimate penetration of the very essence of humanity. Heavenly Tree of Life - the axis mundi you just hate all the enemies of Love, descend its roots deep in the underworld of human instincts, while at the same time its crown reaches heights of divine metaphysics.

This is precisely the concept of love - a spiritual journey to the truth professed members of the mysterious medieval order Fedeli d'Amore . Little one can say about them, scattered information can be found in the writings of Rene Guenon (1886-1951), particularly in the written However, quite a difficult language work L' Ésotérisme de Dante (1925), also write about Julius Evola and the French Orientalist and Islamic scholar Henry Corbin spiritual tradition (1903-1978). The latter is the author of perhaps the most extensively discusses the topic of work Le Jasmin des fideles d'Amour (ed. 1991), which, however, is devoted primarily Persian roots of the concept developed in the ranks of this secret conspiracy. What we can at this point with certainty to say is that the roots of the philosophy of Love Vassals back on the one hand culture Provencal troubadours and troubadours, on the other Middle Eastern Sufi poetry, which reached Europe during the Crusades and the Reconquista, according to the expectations of one of the most prominent Muslim theologians of the time of Muhammad Ibn Arabi (1165-1240), while at the same time in order Averroës (1126-1198) and the literary figure known as 'âshiq . For Sufi mystics Fedeli d'Amore appear to have a variant of the famous Florentine them well Szadilija phenomenon. Certain it is, as we conclude on the basis of their literary style that initiates vassals of Love - supporters gibelińskiej imperial idea, were Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374) and who is most likely champion of the Order of Guido Cavalcanti (1255-1300). In Europe, the Order disappeared probably in the late Middle Ages, when some of its members emigrated to Syria and Egypt, while others may be, has adopted a strict formula-occult conspiracy. Unclear are the mutual relationships and influences Fedeli d'Amore and the Knights Templar, and Rosicrucians and later. It is impossible to even explicitly exclude the possibility that some form of order that exists today also in Europe. Henry Corbin describes standing behind a rich poetic tradition of esoteric-Persian, among the creators of which would have to find Rûzbehân Baqlî (1128-1209), Hafez (1310-1337), or Fakhr'Erâqî (1213-1289). The interesting question here most religious doctrine, the law moves casually religioznawca Romanian Mircea Eliade (1907-1986) in the third volume of his work history of beliefs and religious ideas . Among the putative adepts of the Order also mentions he's there, in addition to those already mentioned, the Italian poet Francesco da Barberino (1264-1348) and Flemish truwera Jacques de Baisieux (lived in the thirteenth century). Fedeli d'Amore therefore had to be followers of the cult of "unparalleled Ladies' devotion to the mystery of love. The woman was a symbol of a superhuman, supernatural Intellect, the Divine Wisdom. The performances of this movement is often used figure of M Adonna Intelligenz, which is the epitome of this secret, a few of Wisdom. Vassals concealed his doctrine of Love, the song C'est d'Amours des fiez de Baisieux writes that " not expatiate love advice, but carefully hide them." That's why Fedeli d'Amore used the encrypted, hermetic language (Parlar cruz), meant to protect the real content of their message before profanami, la gente grossa - as they spoke about da Barberino. Love is not so sentimental exaltation there, how they interpret it to profane but esoteric activity reaching the deepest levels of reality. Love is in the continuum ; " Love - is one and indivisible. It has no positive and negative aspects. The only sin is in her frigidity, marasmus (вялость) rozmienianie total, fanatical ecstasy into small emotions - both in libertyniźmie, as well as asceticism. Sin - a lack of love. When the silent eros, wakes up dyad insidious death, claiming to be objective reality, for a just order, for the best, most rational way the device world. "18

dating from the 1482 image of Botticelli Primavera was presented the concept of universal love. In the center there is a synthesis of symbolizing lust sensual and contemplative exaltation of Venus. She also personifies the compatibility between the soul of the universe, in this case upostaciowionym in green forest, symbolizing nature, and being the backdrop for the scene represented. Venus rises over the head of the Eros - the personification of sensual desire. It leads the viewer's gaze direction on the right side of the image of Mercury - a symbol of intellectual contemplation, ofiarowującego people initiatory wisdom. God is the one with the caduceus, "removes the veil" that is, introverted man reveals the secrets of the world. Between him and Venus, and the left image, we see a group with only slightly veiled girls transparent garments, which are the female deities personifying the different types and degrees of Love, so we have a sensuous love for beauty ( Pulchritudo ), lust ( Voluptas ), her virginal love ( Castitas and Chloris ), love of giving birth ( Flora) and the intellectual love of knowledge ( Venus ). All painted characters arranged in a harmonious composition, which is to illustrate the idea of \u200b\u200bcomprehensiveness, internal complexity and layering, but also the ontological unity of Love

painted nudity girls should not be surprising - it is an essential element of love - both bodily nakedness and nudity more important than her soul. Eros seeks to discover the whole truth, full content of ontological, hiding behind a misleading variable world phenomena. Eros hates, loathes ciuszkami color. Ritual nudity nudity holy is the projection of two lovers. Naked Angels are also the sole Covered is the Light of Being.

Meanwhile, Although opponents of Love today have much reason to rejoice - as mentioned a little higher, " in the depths of urban catacombs, surrounded by measuring the distribution of people, objects and mechanisms, matures rise, the rise of love. Among them, isolated and unknown, "says the voice still miss the heavens and the earth passionate loneliness. They are faithful to the mystery of nakedness - the nakedness of the body, soul and being. They want Agnus Supper, as it wanted the first, true Christians (...) We know that the world would soon be over. End is because we love because we are as we prepare final revolution. We know: "Heaven and earth will pass away but His word shall not pass away." Finish the excavation of an ancient cursed tree of knowledge. Together with the universe collapse, but the Tree of Life again, trunk extending to infinity, the rise among the emptiness, surrounded by gleaming walls of the New Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the Eternal Love. 19

Ronald Lasecki

1 A. Dugin, Эротический идеализм , "Элементы" No 6 / 2000

2 J. Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World , Rochester, Vermont 1995, p. 166

3 ibid "Civilization," American

4 A. Dugin, Консервативная революция , Moscow, 1994

5 J. Evola, Revolt ... , p. 163

6 Ibid, p. 164

7 Ibid, p. 164

8 A. Dugin, Эротический ...

9 J. Evola, Coll. Cit, p. 157

10 Ibid, p. 159

11 Ibid, p. 160

12 A. Dugin, Консервативная ...

13 D. de Rougemont, myths about love, Warsaw 2002

14 probably lived in France at the beginning of the twentieth century and was extremely well educated, his true identity is not known. During the Second World War he was unsuccessfully sought by German intelligence because it was ascribed alchemical knowledge, which might prove useful in the production of nuclear weapons. Today two works are known Fulcanellego: released in 1926, L e Mystère des Cathédrales and dating from 1929, Les Demeures Philosophales .

15 A. Dugin, Консервативная ...

16T. Gabiś, Conservative Revolution

17A. Dugin, Эротический ...

18A. Dugin, Консервативная ...

19 Ibid.


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