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Supporters' czechizacji" Polish Phalanx

Ideology ND - especially in its popular version - is characterized by the fact that, according to their stereotypes coined stands among the countries automatically identified and nations as "evil" or "good." For the "bad" include Germany, Ukraine, Lithuania and Hungary, the "good" - above all Russia, and in addition to the Czech Republic. Sympathy for the Czech Republic was visible in the ranks of the National Democratic Party throughout the interwar period. This significant issue the certificate of the defenders of the Polish "national interest", which pompously proclaimed the NDs, if we take into account that the Czech State (Czechoslovakia) throughout this period consistently worked to the detriment of the Polish state. In the years preceding
the outbreak of World War I, the political elite in the Czech Republic remained the largest supporter of Pan-Slavism in Central Europe - the ideology and policies designed to conquer the whole world of Slavic Russia. After 1918, the Czech rusofilstwo smoothly over the prosowieckość. The primary objective of its foreign policy did the Czechs get territorial communications with the Soviet Union, regarded by them as the best guarantee of geostrategic security of their country. On the way to create such a connection was, however, Poland. The Polish-Bolshevik War Bohemia openly cheered the Bolsheviks (shoulder to shoulder with Germany), also during the groundbreaking August 1920 when the hope of getting in contact with the Soviets border crashed into the wall of the Polish army, the Czech political class has focused its attention on the quest to build a corridor leading to the Russian government. To this end, the Czechs clearly dławili separatist aspirations of Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia, Czechoslovakia, forming arm outstretched to the East. Consequently - since 1918 - also pressed on the international arena to the cutting of the Kingdom of Hungary, most Polish-oriented countries in the region and one that before the Battle of Warsaw wanted to provide direct assistance to the Republic armed. It was formalized by treaty, "peace" in the Trianon of 4 June 1920, authorizing Hungary to exist in an extremely truncated form hull. Nevertheless, the Czechs doubled France and Yugoslavia proposed total dissection of the Hungarian state - in 1921 (not obtained consent of the Western powers), and in 1934 an international conference in Geneva (the project was a result of sharp fall in the intervention of the Polish diplomacy.) Although the Czech Republic have managed so gird Hungary to the north and separate them from the Polish territorial wedge on the way to achieve the desired connection with the Soviet Union was still an obstacle: Eastern Galicia, part of the Polish state. To remove this obstacle Czechs supported (funds and propaganda) Ukrainian irredentism in Galicia, hoping to destabilize the internal situation in this country and, consequently, a loss of control over it by Poland. According to the Polish military intelligence services (II Department Chief of Staff HR), after the murder of the CNS Polish Interior Minister Gen. Bronislaw Pieracki (1895-1934) Czechoslovakia involvement in supporting the Ukrainian organizations not only not diminished but increased. Procederowi put an end to only a dramatic year 1938.
So why in the history of political thought and national democracy such a wealth of positive references to, euphemistically speaking, Poland, the Czech hostile neighbor? In our opinion, it grew from the fundamental idea for the National Democratic Party, particularly sharply and clearly articulated in the first stage of the history of this movement, but never afterwards abandoned: its demand to make the Poles "modern nation", that is the target of modernization of the Polish society (and to put it bluntly - social revolution.) National Democratic Party represented a social and political modernism. Model of modernization among the Slavs remained the Czechs. They were plebeian nation, a nation-a people who since the Thirty Years' War lost its layer of nobility and aristocracy survived in the Czech society was a very small group. The Poles, with unusually large or numerous nobles and the aristocracy, been on the opposite pole, which drove the early national democrats to raise slogans of the struggle "szlachetczyzną. The Czechs were highly secularized society, so it is hardly surprising, given the related husytyzmem, kacerską (anti-Latin, anti-Roman) origins of the Czech national idea, and the subsequent vulnerability of this country in the modern, more or less irreligious (or anti-religious) doctrine. In Poland, however, Catholicism continued strongly rooted in the broad masses of people - which in turn set the early modernist ND commanded eject the demand (by some of its representatives held up until the mid-twenties), anti-Polish "clericalism". Czech Republic have far-reaching of industrialization and urbanization, while in Poland there was still predominantly agricultural society, agrarian, dominated by landowners and peasants - not without reason, regarded as the two most conservative (Because it related to the earth) social strata. The Czech Republic has developed quickly in a bourgeois society, with its ubiquitous ethos of egalitarianism and Equality, "civil", regarded as a necessary foundation for a democratic regime. In the womb of Polish national community, but also tarnished the tooth of modernity, has preserved the foundations of a hierarchical social system and a number of traditional social institutions. Endeccy columnists rugali own nation for that long is not eager to reach "modern politics" on the model of society Western. The Czechs reached it probably the fastest in the Slav world: soon realized - essentially a left-wing - the concept of nation in 1789.
The Advocates' czechizacji "non-Polish national-democratic movement was one such Stanislaw Stomma, understands its ethos collective construction based on "values" bourgeois, focused mainly on tangible goods. Sam connected with the environment before the war mocarstwowców, since 1939, constantly criticized the alleged tendency of Poles to the idealism and heroism ill, with particular insistence pastwiąc over the Polish "romanticism." Pastwił only verbally, of course, you can no longer be said about those with whom he would collaborate Stomma. After the war, in fact followed a typical path of "political realism" agreed to a licensed by the communists (and legitimizing it) "progressive Catholics", so in the years 1957-1976 could sit in parliament the communist era. From his pen came out the numerous statements in which maintained more or less like this: "People Polish Policy stood on the solid foundation, the alliance chose complies with the perspectives development of our nation. It is the alliance with the Soviet Union. "(" Zycie Warszawy ", 1960). Or: "Citizens of the Communist Party say, proletarian internationalism, and we say: Universalism in the Christian spirit. Other philosophical ground, but the conclusions are rather similar and lead times to a common purpose. (...). Stwierdzaliśmy repeatedly that the general direction of socio-political delineated for the Polish after World War II we consider to be legitimate. "(" General Weekly ", 1961). After taking part in the round Table posiwiały veteran "political realism" ended his career in the Senate of the Republic of the Round Table, where he served on behalf of the Democratic Union, and later as an activist of the Freedom Union.
This sketch is by no means serve deprecjonowaniu history and culture, the Czech Republic, on the contrary, writes this could indicate the items worthy of genuine respect - even though he's not those, what they looked for advocates of " czechizacji " Polish, praising themselves for alleged "realism." Its aim is rather to indicate what they're up calls discourse of "realistic" that the adoption of more "mundane", materialistic and pragmatic software to actually ensure that the public concerned "keep up" for the "challenges of the modern world" and provides him with greater strength, efficiency and prosperity in the activities. Basically, it amounts to the belief that in return for expected benefits relatively quickly it pays to ignore the standards carried by religion, tradition and history - when in reality The calculated in this way, the benefits often do not follow, a turning away from these standards community brings measurable effect of anomie and downfall. "Political realists," and other breeding endeckiego, put up as a model for the Czech agility alleged Polish romantics, and kabotynom idealistom, apparently at any occasion, specially for the swords to the right and left squander the blood of the nation. The proof of the superiority of the former attitude is to be the fact that as a result of centuries of alleged reckless and violent outbursts, "Romantic" Poles are roughly four times more numerous than the "realistic" Czechs ...

Adam Danek


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