Monday, March 1, 2010

Church Order Of Program Samples

In defense of faith and freedom

on February 29, 1768 in Bar, in Podolia confederation was formed to defend the faith and freedom . The Confederates resisted cudzoziemszczyźnie and ideological nowinkarstwu przyniesionemu to the Republic of the "Familia" Czartoryski and the circles of court, supporting his violent actions of Russian forces since the country inviting them to the Sejm konwokacyjnym, which was imposed subsequent to the nomination of King Stanislaw August (1764-1795) .

complicated political situation in the Republic in the second half of the eighteenth century, that resulted in fighting with each other for influence in the State party Saxon kings and Czartoryski, all at different stages of the battle refer to the help of Russia and other countries. Conservative camp turned to Russia in 1767, creating a confederation of Radom, however, crucial for the loss of independence of Polish policy was, after earlier precedents summoned by the Russians, "Familia" in 1764

The relevance remains a fact that sometimes its right to convert system designs Polish, were formulated an atmosphere of aspiration Western "Enlightenment" by giving birth in those days, "progressive" intelligentsia in Warsaw, centered around the inspiration of the court issued letters Monitor (1765-1785) and Pleasant Fun and Useful (1770 - 1777) and the weekly meeting organized by the king of literary discussions (called "Thursday dinners"). In this environment, the thought of Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire and Diderot was a measure of intellectual integrity, while at best ignoring and at worst open hostility to Catholicism, yet the living culture of the Counter-Reformation and the Polish national tradition, a common attitude. Conservative columnist Stanisław "Cat" Mackiewicz (1896-1966) wrote that , in Poland (the reign of Stanislaus Augustus - editor. RL) eighteenth century there was a in journalism, in literature, in stronnictwie Czartoryski, the court of King Stanislaus Augustus. Society, however, the nation, the prevalence was rooted entirely in the concepts, habits, gestures and postures of the seventeenth century first In spite of the traditional identity of this society, nation and asked the universality modernizatorów treatments and this is what this nation has made insurrection and against violence and against foreign states nastającym its traditional culture, and serving as foreign figurantów, concentrated in Warsaw, supporters of reform.

immediate cause of the Confederate was a demand for equal rights of religious dissidents, which rightly considered to be dangerous both for the good of the community of believers as well as for social stability. This case, viewed in isolation from the historical and ideological might seem relatively little controversial, but we must remember that, as the notes for another respected conservative journalist Michael Bobrzyńskim historical (1849-1935) already mentioned "Cat" Mackiewicz, eighteenth- century Enlightenment demands of religious tolerance, have nothing in common with wielowyznaniowością sixteenth-century Republic, where the real causes lie in contemporary religious indifference. Thus, gender dissidents, which flaunted the intention from the beginning of his reign, the king himself, and that for the purpose of strengthening Russia's influence in the Republic also argued Catherine II (1762-1796) , was not so much in establishing the Polish political system and political tradition as occurred against them.

postulate was put clear by a Member of the Tsar Nicholas in Warsaw Fr. Repnin (1764-1768) the Sejm in 1766 finally ended with only insignificant concessions, with the result that in March 1767, the Repnin persuasion are tied confederations dissident in Slutsk and Torun, and then, in June 1767, in defense of the current state constitution, formed the Catholic Confederation of Radom, which calls for support from Fr. Repnin and through it to Catherine II, after which acquires real współwładzę in the country.
Confederation of the Polish side is in the person of his maker Podoski x. Gabriel (1719-1777, since 1767, Polish Primate) , paid agent of Fr. Repnin, harvesting the environment around a conservative Karol Radziwill (1734-1790) for a political alliance of which is protector of dissidents Russia. Voltage on the background of the privileges of dissidents, then grows gradually, reaches its climax at the Diet assembled in October 1767 when, inspired by playmaker x. primate Podoski its own policy in relation to the opposition of Bishop Cajetan x. Sołtyka (1715 to 1788, from 1759, the bishop of Cracow) , the latter along with several other senators krytykującymi too flexible attitude towards the dissidents and the Confederation of Radom opposing the project to give full rights of political dissidents, is abducted by the imperial troops and deported to Russia, to Kaluga.

A few months later, the conservative nobles accommodating Catholic renewal was to take the confederation of which lies on the border of the Ottoman Bar and start fighting for the survival of an independent state and the rights and traditions of the Polish nation. The Confederation therefore engage in armed struggle, which will involve five consecutive years (1768-1772) stationed in the Republic about 20-thousand Russian troops, and finally prove that the total subjugation of the Polish by Catherine II and her subsequent members in Warsaw impossible.

contemporary writer historian of the Confederation said that the ideology of Bar motivations conservative, religious and patriotic so intertwined with each other that it is difficult to give an opinion whether the confederation was more "counterrevolution" , a religious war if independence movement 2 It was all of these phenomena to some extent, could hardly be without risk of falling into exaggeration, called something like "Polish Vendee."

Celebrating today at the monument to the memory of Confederate certainly the most prominent military commander, Gen. Casimir Pulaski (1745-1779) 3, however, is useful not only because of its historical significance. Note that today we are dealing with the situation in some way reminiscent of the pre-two hundred forty-two years, also because today, concentrated in the metropolitan rot permeated the cosmopolitan Warsaw, political and intellectual elites, create an atmosphere of worldview in which everything that Polish culture traditional, is seen as onerous fossil past and something that should be replaced as soon as western liberalism and cultural westernisation. Also today Equality demands that we hear równouprzywilejowania various "dissidents", whether in the form of "new left", or followers of moral deviation, and finally they atheists or other similar groups. These demands are also often uttered by native militants of "progress" and by various foreign entities, and - like in the late eighteenth century - "political class" seems to be the almost completely slow. For this reason, modern non-demoliberalna Right, must forge a "second Confederation of Bar." It is not I of course of orchestrating the armed struggle, since such a procedure would result in more failures than his dojmującym eighteenth-century original, but rather to bring together all the different reasons for opposing the wzorowanemu on the western model of "modernization", as in "first" Confederate Bar, bringing together in its ranks people with motivations of conservative, religious and patriotic, ready to lead the fight defending the faith and freedom .

presence today at the monument to Casimir Pulaski members and supporters of the Falange and SMP demonstrates that the others around the heritage of the Confederacy, the assembly even if a small group of such people is possible.

Ronald Lasecki

first Stanislaw Mackiewicz, Stanislaw August , Publisher PAX, Warsaw 1956, pages 1934-1935

second Rostworowski Emanuel, Last King of Poland. The genesis and collapse of the Constitution of May 3, PW "Common Knowledge", Warsaw 1966, p. 68

The third largest political talent of the Confederation would be no doubt x bishop of Adam ( 1714-1800, since 1759 the Bishop)

(the text is the content of the speech given on February 29 AD 2009 by the spokesman for the Phalange Phalange members and supporters and SMP gathered under the statue of Casimir Pulaski Museum in Warka).


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