Friday, March 5, 2010

What Color Minnetonkas Should I Get

silhouettes of soldiers of the Republic 1789-1795 drawings, engravings, paintings

In this post I try to gather and present illustrations depicting the soldiers of the Republic of end of the lifetime of the state.
Companion Cavalry National 1790r.
Source: Polish Army Museum in Warsaw

Michael Stachowicz, Kraków Grenadiers

The images shown incorrectly on the sheet primates kaszkietach pouches and ornaments. In addition, soldiers' packs are presented here as more than a furry haversacks satchels worn over the shoulder. The prototype packages were probably Polish Prussian or Saxon backpacks worn by the arm. Sashes officers should be provided with chwostami abandoned the right side.

This illustration shows the wrong cuts officers, indicating their metal husk. Cuts in the Commonwealth were made from silver or gold, woven tape. Grades officers determined using stars and beams. Grades and non-commissioned soldiers were marked on the collar and cuffs jacket.

Officer and kosynier militia
1794 Author: Michael Stachowicz

Officer and kosynier vulgaris 1794 uprising
Author: Michal Stachowicz

by Sappers. Bronislaw Gembarzewskiego
Source: B. Gembarzewski, Polish soldier, published by the Ministry of National Defence, Warsaw 1965.

Guard walking crown.
officer to Prince Jozef Poniatowski, as commander of the regiment, in addition to presenting arms in uniform grenadier summer.
Prince Poniatowski commanded the regiment on October 3, 1789 until the spring of 1790.
Source: B. Gembarzewski, Polish soldier, the Ministry of Defense Publishing House, Warsaw 1965.

troops will Kosciuszko. Mounted in hats with feathers, are shown in figure officers artillery.
Author: Aleksander Orlowski

Kosciuszko army bivouac.
Judging by the tree-based weapons, the paper presents post scorer talking with the National Cavalry. Similar uniforms at that time had artillery, but in 1794 they did not have full-time in their long-equipped firearms.
course in wartime gunner could take with them a weapon captured. Final identification of the matter makes it difficult is that the graphics are black and white uniforms, gunners and bombardiers differed from shooting color green color putty to log off and in the hat.
author made on the basis of own observations and moved to the paper, eg . zdefasonowane Nieregulaminowe in the field or hats, so we have a picture of soldiers as the true-facts
Author: Aleksander Orlowski

insurgent gunners and infantry (kosynierzy) for earthworks in Warsaw in 1794.
In the distance are the positions of Russia.
Author: Aleksander Orlowski

Artillery on the march 1792 years. In the foreground is clearly visible and non-commissioned officer on horseback going on foot. The NCO has a gun. Later artylerzystom guns were taken away and had them only on guard duty.
Based on the figure of the era of Michael Stachowicz

Illustration made on the work of Michael Stachowicz. Marching from the train instead of artillery non-commissioned officers have sticks, cleaver and has no grade markings on his uniform, as illustrated earlier. The red stripes on the trousers of the gunner indicates that it is a soldier with a haul of more przedinsurekcyjnego. During the insurrection in the absence of red cloth trousers were decorated with black stripe. Red konfederatka officer is consistent with an orderly from 1789: "Hats ponsowe soundly the quilted with black lamb, to 3 inches wide, framed in gold braid or silver podług ephod, white ponytail, standing straight, 10 inches high, the bow is not a great round with ribbons white silk cordon, the royal figure and the entire form of hats, as an officer in the national kawaleryi; hair smoothly combed the front of the rear hooked up
But the illustrations made by eye witnesses, we can see the black hats. Maybe it seems that it sewn like the black stripes of the more accessible during the war, black material.
mistake in the illustration is a gun held by a gunner for the train going. In 1794, Polish artillery guns did not have. Stock
clearly inspired by the work of Michael Stachowicz presented in the form of images above, and showing the artillery from 1792.
Retrieved from "Kosciuszko's Polish Army in 1794. 16 panels covering 105 figures drawn from nature by Michael Stachowicz, a Cracow painter, who lived at the time of Kosciuszko. Podług materyałów collected by Wladyslaw Bartynowskiego K. Wawrosz copied. Z the addition of six plates drawn by the contemporary sources podług Valery Elijah. Total of 22 tables with explanations dokładnemi, ed. Boleslaw Twardowski, Poznan 1894, tabl. 20 at p. 90th


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