Infoanarchizm: harmless perversion in the space of flows, or a blow to the establishment?
Technological progress determines the change in our ideas, even on such fundamental issues as the notion of time and space. The space defined as a plane of social action seems to be the fastest subject to redefinition, in a symbolic way of eluding even the laws of physics.
new universe
yet the concept of space was associated with a strong sense of place and social activity in that area with localized exposure at which the direct interaction between people. (1) With the invention and popularity of the Internet, there has been a revolutionary not only from the viewpoint of sociology, social relations blow to the local contexts and play them in the vast expanse of time and space. Through the existence of a dematerialized space of the Internet, social groups rely less and less about direct contact. Perform common operations do not share the precondition been a common space. In parallel, but the abstract and intangible reality, contracts are either new friendships, as well as millions of contracts. Formed opposition groups, advocacy groups, social groups and finally Internet - a virtual community which, despite the fact that defy traditional definitions, create joint plans, after all, predicting the future, share common hopes and fears. Handel, work, socialization, entertainment - all these processes take place in the cyber world, which not only has a strong impact on "traditional" reality, but actually begins to penetrate her. Nobody disputes that arose before our eyes, an alternative universe, based on the flow of information in an abstract space in which flow is defined as an intentional, repeatable, and programmable sequences of exchange and interaction between physically disconnected positions occupied by social actors (2).
systemic regulation of information
so-called real problem. mainstream is that in the space of flows of its superiority is not as overwhelming as in TV and print media. capitalist establishment is trying to defend himself against that accusation, however, go about practicing social engineering. Although the leading theoreticians of mass communication, such as Denis McQuail (1934), it seems inevitable observation that we lack the methodology to effectively demonstrate the social, political and cultural impact of the media, (3) This empirical experience of the general sociological observation of processes which have their primary inspiration in the media leads to the assumption that their influence on moral attitudes, seems to be dominant. The progressive breakdown of the family in the bosom of a bourgeois civilization has led to a situation in which the media are the main supplier of patterns and patterns of moral conduct. They also play an important role in the socialization process, providing models of life and patterns of behavior, before the audience will meet them in real life. They carry on an evaluation of attitudes presenting "awards" and "penalties" for certain behaviors. Denis McQuail in its publication " Mass comunication Theory" (1984) attempts to partially negate the significance of this phenomenon considering that the optics of the media is a reflection of the most popular among the public paradigm. It is difficult to agree with this, especially from the Polish perspective, and in almost every "non-Anglo-Saxon." Polish society at the level of media and many others, is in fact forced to subsist on the principles of neo-colonial. Most of the Polish-language newspapers has the advantage of foreign capital, while the television broadcast are mainly foreign productions. Add to this a more universal form of arguments in finding that the corporate media are always influential interest groups in the form of high finance, show business and political bourgeoisie ruling class, it is not possible to agree with McQuailem - otherwise be regarded as having replaced above narrow caste of parasites have similar moral standards and practices, as a traditional society. Closer to the truth seem to be further assertions of the author, when referring on the theories of Noam Chomsky (1924), contained in the publication " What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream " (1997) he recognizes that the media are de facto involved in maintaining the status quo . It seems useful to complement that is primarily about maintaining "establishmentowego" political status quo , moreover, clearly suggests that he McQuail.
Out of control
Immeasurable Space of flows, the Internet, can be likened to the well-known westerns Wild West, or any other area of \u200b\u200bunbridled yet, over which it is impossible to exercise control. Among the wild fields covered by the system, there are centers of censorship, a kind of large websites, or social networking - but even there, openly promotes the group, which are poorly controlled by the "mainstream."
groups seeking to radically change the system are, for obvious reasons, the most repressed by Głowno-nurtowy system to distribute information. Most do not have the resources needed to create and maintain their own media, like newspapers, radio, or television and do not stand behind them no powerful lobby that could fund such projects, indeed the artificial Keynesian way drive the demand for media products pozaestablishmentowe. This happens exactly the opposite - the tube liberal "ideological neutrality" seek to eliminate, ridicule, or discredit a potential threat to his infomonopolu. Group "incorrect" are also not able to emit their own spots in the system antennas - and certainly not as far as they can do a group co-creating "living" which are mostly held their own, popular channels. The consequence of this situation is a situation in which the environment outside the "mainstream" can not perform any "public campaign", or its response to this phenomenon, which under slightly mysterious name behind demoliberalną social engineering and simple propaganda offensive.
In the virtual space of flows, which increasingly displace traditional media (newspapers, radio, television), the predominance of the Thought Police is no longer clear. On the web the most popular viral marketing (called viral marketing ) and guerilla marketing (guerilla marketing called ), which forms a multi-layered and that for non-proliferation of information. Low use of inputs can be emitted information, whose intensity tends to rise avalanche outside anyone's control - it is the proliferation of interest in most people who identify with the content contained in optics, or is it in any way moved. Information starts to be spread on the 'e-mail spreads the word, but without the traditional restrictions in the form of localized contact the recipient and the recipient, if the spatial distance between them, since their use, have in the matter of the space of flows. Despite the apparent inertia and chaos, viral spread of information more effectively hits the "target" (target group to which you want to get the information in its original intention of the sender) rather than traditional forms of propaganda - conveyor belts run mainly between individuals potentially interested in receiving information, because the person who decides to transfer information further, it emits mostly in those regions of space of flows, where the content will meet the interest. Any comprehensive attempt to censor information from the police thought there might be here, of course, apply. Mechanisms infopartyzantki new universe may be used by any political force, against any kind of establishment.
Member Status: "shot."
times when the major importance of the space of flows fought only theoretical discussions at a high level of abstraction, permanently ended in 2010-2011. Spectacular prelude was an attempt to overthrow the government of President Mahmoud defeated by Ahmadinejad after the June elections in Iran (2010). The opposition supported by U.S. intelligence, the Internet began a broad campaign of anti-state. Besides e-mail, or blogs, the main tool in organizing "uprising" was a social networking site "Facebook." At the demonstrations initiated via the killing, according to various estimates, from 30 to 150 people. Because of the excellent preparation of the state security services, and instant Prime Minister of the faithful response professionals, "uprising" was crushed in embryo. How long can the president keep the peace? To a large extent is dependent on what the outcome will bring the war in the space of flows between supporters and opponents defeated by Ahmadinejad.
slap establishment
real storm, initiated by infopartyzantkę, but had yet to come - we're talking about the scandal, which in its distant consequences on the "butterfly effect", became a direct cause of death of several hundred people, and the crisis four different governments, one of which has already been brutally overthrown, and the other struggling to survive by shooting at demonstrators. It is, of course, the disclosure of confidential diplomatic correspondence the world's largest superpower, the U.S., through the portal, "Wikileaks". Emerging from the confidential messages, detailed descriptions of places very plastic over the U.S. administration to the rest of the participants in international relations, information on illegal weapons sales to Israel, and a number of other problematic issues such as the controversial U.S. intelligence about political and economic situation of several third countries, have forced the foundation of the world filled with pride to the translation of the establishment of the facts published by a small group of dissidents. Leakage in a few moments spilled an unstoppable wave of the entire space of flows, making a big hole in demoliberalnym infomonopolu. Such a situation could not but meet with strong reaction of the police thought. U.S. President's National Security Committee put forward the proposal for recognition of the "Wikileaks" a terrorist organization. Started searching for a dramatic "hook" on one of the main portal administrators and politicians demoliberalni known from the headlines, publicly discussed the need to bring him before a court on charges of treason and sentenced to death decisions, or even killed in the attack (4). Also blocked channels through which the initiative "Wikileaks" was funded (PayPal), and on social networking sites removed the group which this channel has sought to replace. As a result of hackers counter, usually by means of a DDoS (5), infopartyzanci blocked some sites using censorship. Their administrators, realizing the danger situation (every moment of suspension of the great portal also generates huge losses), ceased its activities, and one of the sites, "Twitter," even apologized for his past behavior! Establishment , despite his furious reaction, and throwing a mask "neutral observer" at the expense of the disclosure of the true nature of an aggressive cop thoughts on the problematic "Wikileaks" has not won absolutely nothing - from the dark recesses of his uncontrollable space of flows, is still by no one depart niecenzurowane leaks data that make up a small but steadily widening gap in the global order based on lies and manipulated information. "We are a harbinger of a marching resistance. We are tired of misinformation, we have enough corruption. We are tired of wars from a safe distance and mystery. Freedom is clamping a loop for the status quo. "- anonymous manifesto proclaims the participants a new type of information war.
Gust revolution.
infopartyzantów impact was, however, involve much more serious consequences, rather than calling the nervous reaction of the world superpower, spoil his relations with certain third countries, shame on the international stage, or expose its helplessness in the face breaking infomonopolu in the space of a new universe. The despatches of American diplomacy was also characteristic of the Tunisian administration of President Zina Al-Abidine Ben Ali, as a rule extremely nepotycznych and corrupt. The bad situation in the country issuing to confirm these allegations, led a young merchant to attempt self-immolation in front of the local authorities. These events triggered a huge mobilization of social networking sites, where I was initiate an anti-government, which turned into regular attacks on police stations and government representatives - was set on fire headquarters of the Constitutional Democratic Assembly, the return from exile proclaimed leader of Islamic fundamentalists, Rashid Ghannuszi. The government tried to resolve the situation with the troops, alongside information about the ineptitude of Ben Ali, and dates a succession of speeches against the government, after the network began to circulate as viral footage from shares pacification. Finally, Ben Ali was forced to flee from Tunisia. For example
Tunisians went to the Egyptians, who are also using social networking sites to arrange huge wielosettysięczne demonstrations. Islamic militant organizations have taken control over some regions of the country, the streets of Cairo, from which the police retreated, the crowd organized governs the virtual space of flows. Within a week killed more than 100 people. All indications are that Egypt will join lenghtening list of countries in which a change of system was started on "Facebook" and "Twitter."
We have witnessed the advent of a new era in which modern technologies of communication in international and intra-national, determine the shape of the whole of these relations, and directly affect the most significant political events. What until recently remained only a theory, right before our eyes has become a hard reality. The history of recent months clearly indicates that infoanarchistyczna activities ("Wikileaks"), coupled with the "marketing" guerrilla and viral used by various groups of dissidents, whatever their political coloration (from the Liberal Democrats after the Islamic fundamentalists), it can very quickly result in a completely unpredictable effects. Although the environments establishmentowych whether strictly left-wing dominated rather enthusiastic approach to the events in Tunisia and Egypt, as the "fourth wave of democratization" and "Arab Spring of Nations", but it is obvious that this is more wishful thinking and conjuration of reality. Nobody really knows what the violation of the political status quo in Tunisia, or Egypt, or any spillage to destabilize the entire region. Authoritarian "presidents" who against his will, suddenly found themselves on the stage of the new "Spring of Nations", have / had a decidedly pro-Western orientation, and provenance, having been elevated to power as a firewall against Islamic fundamentalism, but geopolitically favored the "American Satan", contrary to the express will of their peoples. He hates the Arab street, denouncing the U.S. as agents, they hate the Islamic religious leaders, calling for a straight fight for a new order. They hate their multitudes militants, who follow their voice and reach for the guns, if Election ballot boxes will not bring longed-for rebirth. Thus we see that in the postrevolutionary Arab advent of "freedom, democracy and human rights" is not only possible, nor even the most likely scenario of events. Dawn of a new order that emerges from above the ruins of the deposed satraps of Washington, can be very amaze enthusiasts Arab "Spring of Nations".
Revolution in Tunisia, Egypt, perhaps also Saudi Arabia and Jordan, where the approach initiated in the Web "Days of Awe," rising oil prices, the specter of blocking the Suez Canal, the panic on the stock exchanges, banks' losses, which had just raised after the recent financial crisis ... yields information war and rebellion which was born in the area hit a new universe on deaf ears. Flame instability in the space of flows to drain directly into political reality, which can lead to serious off parts of the U.S. sphere of influence and a general decline Atlantism branch in the region. It is difficult to predict whether the flame will not reach in any form and for the near and yet in Europe, even in the form of a new, yet dotkliwszego crisis - dotkliwszego, because the following just after the previous one. Great Depression undoubtedly contribute to the meltdown of the European establishment, under its own weight. Freedom is clamping a loop for the status quo .
Bart Bekier
(1) M. Castells' network society ", Oxford University Press 2007
(2) Ibid
(3) D. McQuail," The theory of mass communication ", Oxford University Press 2008
(5) DDoS ( called Distributed Denial of Service ) - an attack on a computer system or network service in order to prevent action by seizing all resources available, carried out simultaneously from multiple computers (such as zombies ).
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