Adam Danek: The need for writing a heroic
The general mood permeating the so-called developed societies, as well as reigning in the lives of our own country (once belonging to developed countries, and sometimes does not) fits the term used once by Ernst Jünger (1895-1998) to characterize the life of the republic Weimar - atmosphere swamp. " We observe around us as to the unprecedented depth and scale of distribution of the Community ties - Affecting communities of all levels: religious, state, national, local, professional, and even family. Its main symptom is the loss of etosów appropriate for different types of communities. And while this collapse like nobody cares. Moral and ideological systems do not seem to cause any movements have a rotating compost gradually in the human mass. Only a vision can still get people to endure hardship, to self-denial and sacrifice - a vision of prosperity, but we understood one-dimensional, flattened to its lowest aspect: physical satiety. From the rest today want to have peace of mind and get angry at anyone who tries to convince them that a man should be sacrificed for (and name) for something other than a full pot or wallet. Issues that have three generations ago were of concern, at least the best part of each of the layers of society - such as public morality, the condition of the nation, raising the next generation, and necessary for the practice, the independence of the state, its security, prestige in the international arena, its strength, giving support people - indifferent today, to the extent that it completely does not exist in the public consciousness. Mocking smiles of amazement and produces the very fact that you are interested in them, instead of dealing with "real life".
Here is today's society nights: formless, colorless morbidly jumble of atoms hanging around themselves, guided only selfish impulses. In the wake of palpable and observable trends in the era before her, as usual, literature. Society developed as a boast themselves, have reached unprecedented levels literacy, so that their members can be in any financial year, inundated thousands of novel-produkcyjniaków bełkotliwych matters at the time: the life of "singles" life "thirty" immature adult life to his own age ( kidultów ), the life of "gay" the life of prostitutes, alcoholics, life, life meneli, life "rebellious teens" japiszonów life, the life of suicide, life drug addicts, rozwodników life ... and so on. Literary tones devoid of any filler think any of the content outside the more or less (or no) hidden fascination of corruption. And that's produkcyjniaki manufactured for this part sproletaryzowanego mentally "market" that he wants in his own eyes pass for ambitious readers of literature. But those who count the sensational, adventure and romance chałtury spit out by the camera marketing and advertising for most of the modern proletariat, which even such "ambition" is not expressed?
But Polish literature at the beginning of the twentieth century was the easier task than at the beginning of the twenty-first? On the international front the Polish question then was seen for a long time to be buried safely, much to the relief of almost all major government and its diplomats. In contemporary culture, there was a trend to imbibe the fumes of its own decay, no less ostentatious than today. Then also bear the pathetic tendency wise names: modernism, decadence, "nervous age", fin de sičcle , like today, tired of talking about "postmodernism." The mood in the Polish society is not inclined to triumphalism. This is mistaken who thinks that postpolityka, this giving up current of events combined with a reluctance to mess up in any political ideas and concepts, was developed after World War II. In Poland, one could sense the desire for great change - with just as noticeable reluctance to do anything for them. The activities of minority communities, which called for a call to the dimly anticipated by the general change in practice is often triggered by some compatriots concerns or irritable instead of the expected response. And the result is not so much of the conservatism of Poles, with a conscious commitment to governance provided by three monarchies, but rather the prosaic human tendency to get used to what exists today without the hassles of the additional problems. Homegrown politicians survives in the cafe, and imieninowych piwiarnianych discussions of journalistic cliche as it always was patriotic in the price, but outside of listening and sharing in the first or second reading in the papers you had to work and do business, deal with real life and not think about foolishnesses.
the turn of the century sleepy swamps along the Vistula gurgle cut sharp voice suddenly cries, rushed to the clatter of marching knightly armor and spurs: Wyspianski. What does the brain wake of the nation was conducted in the shadow of a number of years since the work Jozef Pilsudski (1867-1935), Roman Dmowski (1864-1939) and Wladyslaw Studnicki (1867-1953), this is for awakening the spirit of the nation did "The fifth bard, straightening the path to the hearts of Poles. The Awakening, however, is rarely pleasant. In two brilliant national dramas, " Marriage" (1900) and " Deliverance" (1902), Wyspianski gave shocking picture of Polish society: paralysis will, spiritual decay, lost in private wygodnictwie, apathy, zniewieścienia, replacing tromtadrackiej positive political thinking, rozbuchanych, though niekonkretnych dreams about the resurrection of Polish mixed with indifference to its own impotence, an analogous set later diagnosis Waclaw Berent (1873-1940) in dedicated to the same issues outstanding novel " winter crops" (1911). And yet, despite all the focus of the court, the two great writers are not arriving just sadly come to terms with the role of the Polish history of plastic, but it looked for a way out; did not give up just hand over the Polish inability to share, but called for her to overcome. In addition to particularistic Polish case also dealt with the more universal problem nurtującego Europe normative crisis, proliferation of decadence and despair. In their songs in response to the crisis of culture seemed to be sounding the call for the heroic deed for the community of national rebirth it in action. At the same time and Wyspianski, and Berent appeared with all the brilliance that society is not ready to do something forever, forever yesterday. Address your message so probably not to the broad masses of people, but to his avant-garde, in order to impersonated Spenglerowski fate, which lags behind most intractable in the future .*
traditionalist and conservative circles have not shown interest in the preparation of an evolution, and Deed. And in this sense have failed to discern the significance of the historical moment, as all the more surprising that it was distinguished conservatives are always the deepest understanding of the history and the greatest importance attached to it in his political thought. We'll never know, how would roll Polish history during the "general war of the peoples" and the face of ideological taken a restored Polish state had timely made the word task. Since, however, hesitate to do so, raised the banner of the heroic deed left-wing writers, linked with the national wing of the socialist movement. The process of awakening "political soldier" of the revolution, attempted, by what he had to go through his struggles with conformism most of his countrymen and the tragic consequences of life is often portrayed his struggle Daniłowski Gustav (1871-1927) in the novels of "On the last day " (1902 ) and " Swallow" (1907), Stanislaw Brzozowski (1878-1911) in his novel "The flames " (1908) and Andrzej Strug (owned by Tadeusz Gałecki, 1871-1937) in a series of short stories underground People "(1908) and the novel" History one bullet "(1910). To some extent, they continued the tradition of writing before forming Rogosz Joseph Athanasius (1844-1896), veteran of the January Uprising and radical democracy, the author of works devoted to the Galician independence conspiracies of the forties the nineteenth century, including novel "The Dreamers " (1881) and "For the idea " (1885). Left-wing social views, articulated in the writings of socialist writers, can be put aside, recognizing them as the first manifestations of long-standing interest in Polish literature Deed dynamics and the process of his birth, far from that of idealization, what about that was subjected to the Romantic era. In independent Poland a new generation of literature invoking the Deed ceased to represent the domain of the left wing patriotic. This time, when linked to the ONR Catholic writer Władysław Jan Grabski (1901-1970) formed a trilogy that describes the way "political soldiers" national radicalism, composed of the novel " Brothers" (1934), " Lie" (1935) and " On the Edge" (1936), a time when well-known activist and writer of the national camp Jedrzej Giertych (1903 - 1992) seems political thriller "Assassination " (1938), about a conspiracy against the nationalist forces of the Jewish left-wing coup.
Circle of age to shut up. Today, in the early twenty-first century, once again we are surrounded by pervasive despair, wrapped up anomy, swells abscess crisis of culture. Time yet there was, once described by National mesjanistę George Braun (1901-1975), "disappearing era." Our time is rotting. But the fumes of what is rotting, sometimes turn out to be inflammatory. Again, the need of writing heroic, thrilling the souls of the readers, especially young people - of literature, which preferring to act, even if they initially had a cry in the wilderness - a spark in the inflamed atmosphere. Contemporary literary production in the fashion spreads effeminate "sensitivity" and revels in its own uncontrolled emotionality. But the man truly sensitive must eventually find in themselves the heritage of ancestors, whose deep sense and experience it is rooted in a national community. The way that had a French writer Maurice nationalist Barrčs (1862-1923), summarizing it later in the formula: "I love above all my inner world, but in discovering the world of nation - hence becomes a child of the nation. "to show themselves this way - a task for the young Polish writers, often talented and able to reach the reader, but grzęznących in the commonplace, bezideowej commerce. Forced "universal education "supposedly provides everything today, regardless of place of birth and family status, an unprecedented freedom to develop the capacity. So where are the novelists of today's day-to-measure Gustav Daniłowskiego, Stanislaw Brzozowski, Jan Wladyslaw Grabski, Jedrzej Giertych, Juliusz Kaden-Bandrowski (1885-1944), Leonard Furs -Żyrkiewicza (1900-1965, Lt Col.) Andrew Trzebińskiego (1920-1942), where the likes of poets Edward Słońskiego (1872-1926), "Bard Czwartakow" Wladyslaw Orkan (1875-1930), Legionary soldier reconnaissance Stanislaw Dlugosz (1891-1915), Bolesław Niemira, Alexander Sygryca , Stanislaus Szarski ? In a society dominated, at least in the media, the stunted or broken characters, and never need to literature that will educate and inspire people Deed. Not słabeuszowskiej culture that is fascinated with his own schedule, not the voice of the soul, which revels in its own rotting stench, but the literature, which binds the broken thread again, linking the contemporary with past generations. I will turn this thread in the fuse. Adam Danek
* idea borrowed from the writings of Seneca's aphorism, " Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt " (Latin for wanting to keep the fate, unwilling drag), which is revolutionary-conservative philosopher Oswald Spengler (1880-1936) closed the his epochal work "Twilight of the West " (1918-1922). A few years earlier than Spengler used it to summarize their deliberations another revolutionary thinker - Lenin, at work, "Opportunism and busting Second International "(1916).
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