Sunday, April 1, 2007

Skeeter Boats Wire Schematic

pedophile priests in Poland Plock diocese

victims of Polish priests Movement organizes a Pole living in Canada, businessman Vincent Szymanski. In his youth he was molested by a priest in Zakroczym - writes, "Zycie Warszawy".

now asks the curia, a public apology and gathers around him other victims. Interacts with the already 178 people across the country. It's mostly Catholics, want to clean the church. Their names do not reveal so as not to impede the investigation - tells the Military Police, "Szymanski.

In Catholic Poland will probably be difficult to move this matter, but for us at the beginning it was not easy - the newspaper said Barbara Dorris, one of the leaders the organization of SNAP, which has shaken the Church in America. Szymanski wishes to register in our organization modeled on the SNAP (Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests - Network Harassment experienced by Priests). His group has already sent six reports of abuse to the provincial and central command.

not easy to convince people to demand their rights. Especially in the Polish countryside, where all tremble before the priests. But every day I get a notification. Started the first stones, which can cause an avalanche - the newspaper said Szymanski.



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