teenage boys with La Stampa, Cardinal. Dziwiszu
Italian daily La Stampa, Cardinal accused. Dziwisz of harboring sexual scandals before Pope John Paul II.
- prescription articles do not comment - said Fr. Robert Nęcek, a spokesman for the Krakow curia. Once a month ago, "Glos Wielkopolski" printed the article with similar allegations, Fr. Nęcek called the text "at the publication of the embarrassing" and "provocation." Similarly, comments
Vatican expert Sandro Magister issue of the weekly "L'Espresso" - Media on certain inertia in the Roman curia painful matters accused of various church dignitaries. I do not know why, "La Stampa" refreshes these things right now. I have no information to anyone at the Vatican dealt with these issues now - he says.
According to "La Stampa, Cardinal. Dziwisz, the pope did not disclose documents relating to such case of harassment by the clerics in Poznan Archbishop. Juliusz Paetz. "La Stampa" also returns to his father Marcial Maciel Degollada from Mexico. Accusations of abuse by clerics he got stuck in the Vatican offices. It got stuck and a letter sent to Cardinal. Dziwsza.
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