Speech Falange spokesman, Ronald Laseckiego the anniversary of the entry into force of the Washington Treaty
24 August 1949 he entered into force on the North Atlantic Treaty, which gave rise to today's North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Both the historical fact as well established as a consequence of NATO deserve a negative rating. Below I will try to indicate briefly why I think so.
Policy Foreign and international distribution of power are closely related with the occurrence of a specific ideology in the area, which is subject to the domination of a particular medium strength. It is easy to see that international communism współzależało interaction with the possibilities of the projection of force by states to institutional vehicles. Previously, life conservative and traditionalist ideas associated with the force of countries and institutions of standing on their guard. The old European monarchies affiliated to the Holy Alliance and defended themselves were an emanation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Restoration. Since that times, nothing has changed and is still a chance to organize life on the model of a specific temporal order depends on the strength of ideas, skills and background of those who organize the tasks that they undertake.
With this observation in mind is, you must indicate the historical and geopolitical consequences of the subordination of the American hegemon of Europe within NATO. U.S. hegemony is no military dimension, which is the expression of NATO, the dimension of this, however, is not restricted. This is achieved through ideological and cultural interaction, transforming Europeans' awareness so that they co-ownership to a community of Americans and identify with their values, ideology and point of view. In this way, the relationship ceases to be something being enforced, it becomes acceptable to the state, natural and desirable. Recognizing the insidious nature of Americanism, Italian traditionalist philosopher Julius Evola (1898-1974) wrote in 1945 " of the two great dangers threatening Europe - Americanism and communism - the first of these is more insidious. Indeed the threat of communism takes the form of a brutal and disastrous; means the direct seizure of power by the communists. Meanwhile, proceeds by the gradual Americanization of indoctrination, involving a change of mentality and the transformation of secondary spheres of morality, resulting in a major upheaval and decay, which can only lead to counteract the internal struggle. "Pointing to the struggle waged inside his own soul as the only way to resist Americanization, Evola was wrong. Indeed Americanism feeds on economic power, media and military of the United States and its client states. Dependence of the military makes a political relationship, which in turn translates into concrete measures in the internal politics, the economy, in education. Flood of U.S. movies, cartoons, comic books, serials, literature, American toys, modeled on the American way of being, ways of organizing entertainment and leisure activities are possible in terms of liberal, releasing the free flow of ideas, goods, services and people, the policies pursued by the ruling oligarchy, which legitimized their authority by means of suitably processed in the United States demoliberalnej ideology. Member retain independence from the United States, without distinction, whether they are traditionalist Iran, Communist Cuba or North Korea, a socialist Venezuela, Bolivia or Ecuador, more or less consistently isolate it and thus, using applied by protectionism, protect their own people from the flood U.S. rot.
Countries such as these, like other autonomous centers of power to the United States or only to the role of the aspirants, among whom may be mentioned both the traditionalist Islamic fundamentalists of Hamas and Hezbollah and the Latin American left-wing populists and nationalists like brothers Ollanta Humala and Antaure from Peru, undermine the ideological and political monopoly of the United States, pluralizują international relations, undermine the monocentric nature of world order, objectively contribute to the dispersion, and thus, to a more even distribution of political forces. That is why the proliferation of such initiatives expanding the capacity of all actors kontestatorskich, crushes and smashes demoliberalny monolith of contemporary globalization, exposes the lie democratic-prawoczłowieczego brave new world.
opposite trend represents NATO, on the one hand fixing the American domination of Europe and to allow Americans to freely use of European resources, on the other hand, used to derive from it beats the centers of Americanization is based, even so, as was the case in Serbia , during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where NATO in 1992-1995 udzielało help opponents of Serbia, or war in Kosovo between March and April 1999, Units and potential of European NATO members have also been used to pacify the United States occupied by Afghanistan and Iraq. The use of NATO beyond its treaty area, it became possible as a result of a series of decisions taken in 1992 by the chief of the management body of the Alliance in the form of the North Atlantic Council, international law and the lack of self-identification of NATO as a "regional agreement" in giving him the beginning of the Washington Treaty.
NATO is an instrument of strengthening, preservation and expansion of monocentric international order conducive to the invasion of another country by Americanism. Americanism is nothing like having no identity, and cut off from the past. American self-made man is being without history, past and traditions. He is convinced that he can be whoever he wants, provided that the acquisition of appropriate qualifications. Differences between people, like the concept of distance and respect in this case, they lose all meaning. Abolished, personality and diversity. Belonging to the formless world of quantity of individualism among Americans replaced the unknown and incomprehensible to them for their primitive minds, the concept of personality. Americans are being uprooted, of which the image is not a face but a mask. American mask changes, depending on the external pressure, which it is subjected, but it is empty inside, like a zombie . Professing materialism, American lives would be richer. Possessions and material success are the measure of human worth. It knows no time and rooted in history, does not know the duty, honor, tradition. Patriotism comes from the constitutionally granted freedoms and political rights in the face of tax increases do not mean for it to his loyalty to the emperor and his dynasty. Americans do not understand that man lives on earth in order to get rich, but to reach a higher dimension of existence, which is a state of mind, which is for Americans unreachable. American civilization is replaced organicyzm mechanism. Nature, landscape, there are not a deposit, which must be carefully nurtured and treated with love and respect due to the beautiful and kunsztownemu work of creation, but rabunkowo operated source of resources. Americans do not know love - rustic women dedicate themselves to just anyone and anyhow, let obłapiać after only a superficial reading, because intimacy is to them the same rank as scratch his head. Cold, washed with emotion and devoid of spiritual depth is a true American son of the modern age - the time of numbers, equipment, exchange rates, cell phones, "cybersexu, hamburgers and fast food chains, falsely and wrongly called sometimes" restaurants. " American is a bastard of Protestantism and liberalism. After his parents he inherited syphilis wiarołomnych egalitarian democracy and hedonistic materialism, which he named "Western Civilization" and who wants to infect the rest of the peoples and nations of the world, to become ugly and spiritually, to degenerate, as he is.
is to strengthen and ensure the dominance of just such a "Civilization West "is to serve the North Atlantic Alliance. This will be the commercial and commercial lines civilization of merchants and bankers, in which even the surface of the sky will be parceled out and leased the advertising toilet paper and laundry detergent. America is Sea Power, talassokracja - the world of fluid and formless, still variable, both monotonous and terrifying abyss. This chasm - has already put in the same name North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Europe engulfed and drowned in the depths of their unique culture. Spreads throughout the world, reaching Today even the ancient tribes of Central Asia.
oppose NATO and amerykanizmowi - this black hole, in which the peoples, nations, races, religions, tribes and traditions are pulled by powerful forces and popkulturowego konsumpcjonistycznego attraction, but then they ripped indistinguishable from each other "units", in the interior which is a black hole cease existing, well-known principle of organizing cultural nations, opens and perhaps the transition to a future "world turned upside down" in all their different qualities of our world - should be mobilized any possible opposition against them. Will this be a Muslim terrorist taranujący passenger plane World Trade Center, or the Chinese or Korean communist threatening America and its lokajom using rockets with nuclear warheads, or Latin American guerrillero shooting at Gringos, and finally a European fascist or leftist (and sometimes benefiting from both of these trends at the same time), a terrorist bomb podkładający the U.S. embassy. Traditionalists and the Communists, "blacks" and "red", must now occur together against demoliberalnej American "międzynarodówce refrigerators."
oppose NATO and amerykanizmowi, mean today to formulate a platform for the broadest possible agreement kontestacyjnych movements by creating contrasts the ideals set forth in the work of the American political scientist Karl Popper, " Open Society and Its Enemies " on the cards which was presented logically complemented Americanism. Thus, a common minimum program and the anti-US anti-system opposition should include items such as resakralizacja country life, and the world, totalizm, anti-liberalism and antyindywidualizm, caste, social organicyzm and conservatism, the cult of death and terrorism. This will be our revolution - as he wrote the Russian traditionalist integral Alexander Dugin (b. 1962), " last revolution, the work acefała, headless bearer of the cross, the hammer and sickle, crowned with eternal sunshine swastika."
Ronald Lasecki
(Speech delivered at the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw on August 22 AD 2010)
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