Italian Traditionalist thought prof. Muttiego Claudio (born 1946) , regarded as the ideological successor to the intellectual student and an outstanding French researcher la Tradition Primordiale Rene Guenon (1886-1951) , is in flagrant contradiction with prevailing in the countries of the modern West moods ideological and political. In the era of the "war of civilizations" business with the Islamic world in the name of pseudo demoliberalnych, proclaimed by the ideologues such as Oriana Fallaci (1929-2006) and prof. Samuel Huntington (1927-2008), thought Muttiego seems to be blasphemous provocation.
support for the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, converting to Islam and taking on the name Omar Amin, and finally, adherence to the traditionalist and anti-democratic views, skonfliktowały it with the academic community of Italy, by which he was soon branded as extremist. "Professor-mudżahedinowi" prosecuted a lawsuit, and for a time imprisoned. After leaving the publishing house headed traditionalist "Ar", the then owner, another well-known Italian traditionalist Franco "Giorgio" Freda (b. 1941), as previously Mutti, then serving a prison sentence for anti-democratic activities. Mutti soon set up its own publishing house Veltro in which it translated into his writings the most important thinkers of modern traditionalist East and West, and among them Rene Guenon, Frithjof Schuon (1907-1998), Titus Burckhardt (1908-1984), Henry, Corben (1903-1978), Jean Robin, Sayed Hussain Nasr (b. 1933) Ali Szariatiego (1933-1977) and Ruhollah Khomeini (1902-1989) . Not content with this, Mutti also publishes classic antique and medieval texts and alchemical initiation as well as many current publications, dedicated to the fight against subversive profańskim and contemporary myths.
Publisher Veltro next two other Italian publications traditionalist Arkh and Artos, is considered the most famous, prestigious and orthodox from the esoteric point of view. Each is accompanied by the publication carefully and using the full introduction of scientific instruments prepared and afterword, and footnotes. This makes that they are valued in the scientific world as a fully professional product. Claudio Mutti himself is considered one of the most outstanding experts in Tradition and traditionalism in Europe. Are highly praised his impeccable, and meeting all the criteria of scientific integrity also led the argument, the quality and cogency of his texts, esoteric competence and orthodoxy, finally, a special spiritual attitude, leading to the rejection of half measures and compromises, but at the same time free from falling into extravagant extremes I sometimes fail to substantially less well prepared to avoid, but more eccentric Italian neo-evolianistom.
research professor Muttiego interest focuses on the relationships of European ethnology and spiritual traditions right from nations outside Europe. He is the author of, inter alia, the work dedicated to the Romanian folklore Donkey and treasure as well as items such as symbolism and sacred art, painting and alchemy , Vannus Mystica, Antelami and the myth of the imperial , as well as studies on folklore Hungarian-Finnish-Ural and many others. Knowing perfectly
Hungarian language, one of his articles devoted professor thinks evoliańskiej Mutti reception in this country. In the thirties, Evola himself had to take part in a conference held at the castle in the Zichy wake up, what mentioned in 1951 in connection with the trial if his action brought before the Italian courts. Hungary was the site for Evola's propaganda activity associated with the work of the Nazi Ahnenerbe what evidence can be found in the German secret service. In its work, Evola cites several authors Hungarian, and among them Endre Adyego, Lajos Ligeti, Franz Lehar and others. Particular attention Evola to two other authors; Kerényiowi Károly (1897-1973) and his disciple Brelichowi Angelo (1913-1977) . The first mention of them in connection with the Italian translation of his first work published by a university institute in Budapest, on the occasion of editing Kerenym Die Antike Religion, published by Zenichelli. Both authors also later Evola are popular; Brelich publishes two that passes by Evola fascist magazine articles Diorama filosofico quindicinale while Kerenyi Evola attracts attention by his work Einführung in das Wesen der Mythologie .
Kerenyi In 1935 he founded a literary circle in Budapest Sziget (Engl. Island). Founder was another Hungarian author, who first took up the systematic reading of thoughts evoliańskiej Hungary: Béla Hamvas (1897-1968) ( Hamvas was my master said about him called "Hungarian Rimbaud" Sándor Weöres). In 1927, Hamvas is employed as a librarian in Föváresi Könyvtár (Library of capital Hungary), where he acquaints himself with the works of Evola Imperialismo Pagano. Il fascismo di fronte al pericolo eurocristiano (1928), and Rivolta contro il mondo moderno (1934), which translated the passages he quotes one of his essays in 1935, devoted to "literature of crisis". When asked about opinions on the work of Evola, Hamvas said Evola is not a specialist, it is neither a sociologist nor a psychologist, nor a historian, does not deal with gnoseologią, does not distinguish the point of view of biology, aesthetics, politics, morality, or philology. The object of his interest is the "whole" ... and it is therefore a 'whole' in crisis conditions. In an article the next year Hamvas once again cites both of these books Evola. In 1942, the text devoted Guenonowi presents Evola and the German philosopher Leopold Ziegler (1881-1958) as pioneers of the necessary conversion of European intellectuals on traditionalism. In the years 1943-1944, written in the synthesis of Scient Sacra lists Guenon and Evola next Ziegler, describing them as the most significant responsibilities in the traditionalist camp studies. At the same time found that both Imperialismo ... and Rivolta .. . make impression written in a hurry, offering them stand out in a layer of the importance of critical thinking, relating to an absolute and hermetic traditions.
Hamvas After the war, due to "appeal" issued to him by Gyorgy Lucacsa is deprived of jobs and relegated to the margins of public life, and his books withdrawn from circulation. Many of them - including those containing references to Evola's thought - is circulating in the underground, however, contributing to education in the country of real socialism evolianistów second generation, and among them András László and the first Italian translation of letters into Hungarian baron in the person of Franco de Fraxino and Renée Kelemen. László Of a theological education since 1975, delivering an illegal lectures, intended for a group of twenty or thirty people, creating the basis for the emergence of third generation Hungarian evolianistów.
first after the war was a new translation of Evola Maschera e volto dello Spiritualismo Contemporaneo: Analisi delle principali the provincial moderne verso il Correnti sovrasensibile published in 1990, inspired by Steiner's anthroposophy journal Harmadik Part (Engl. Third shore). The decisive factor, however, was in March 1991 was when the issue began in Budapest Öshagyomány. Tradicionális Szellemi Mühely (Engl. tradition of the original. traditionalist mentality Laboratory) - body School Tradition and Transcendence founded a year earlier by Arpad Szigeti. Publisher continue its operations until 1995, publishing over twenty books of excerpts of such works as Evola La dottrina del risveglio , La tradizione ermetica , Metafisica del sesso , Introduzione alla Scienza Magic Quale dell'Io placed alongside the writings of Guenon, Eliade Mrcei and many other authors, including Hungary. In 1992 the school launched a series of books devoted to the issue of Primordial Tradition, which appeared in the writings of Guenon, Schuon, as well as the volume containing the translation Tao-te-ching interpreted by Evola, and passages of Maschera e volto .
In 1994, in cooperation with László, Rudolf Róbert Horváth Szongott and establish a periodical Arkh , whose name refers to wsmpominanego above the Italian publishing house founded in Milan in the 70's by a Hungarian émigré László Tóth, which is publishing works by Evola. Also, the Hungarian periodical devoted special attention to Italian baron, already publishing the first issue of three excerpts from Introduzione alla Magia and Maschera e volto (including two after presenting an editorial letter.) Translations of these works the following excerpts were published in subsequent numbers of the letter.
In 1995, in presented by its editors as a "letter of the spirit of traditionalist" journal Quaderni di Pendragon appeared "Fascism as seen from the law" - is a large portion of Rivolta .. In the same year, in a letter Noah appears to be part of Maschera e volto translated by Monica Imregh. Letter issued by the group centered around the band Actus that one of his CDs released in 1995, also titled Das Unbenennbare , making this a clear allusion to evoliańskiego Der ewigliche Act des Prinzips . In turn, headed by Jozsef Bognar monthly Pannon Front included are subsequent references to Evola. The first issue you can find many quotes from the writings of the Italian traditionalist, in the fourth issue shows a picture of Julius Evola and an interview with András László, in which he states that Rene Guenon and Julius Evola represent the most important basis for the doctrine of the traditionalist . And in the fifth edition of Miklós Kórleónisz Evola called one of the greatest figures of traditionalism spiritual and metaphysical. The issue contains the sixth article of the Emperor Julian Evola, in the seventh issue appeared on the cover photo of Evola in the role of introducing the article, text, Gianfranco De Turrisa evolianizmu on the condition in modern Italy. In 1996, further reception Evola release issued Camelot in its publication human race in the back .
Until 1997, as the professor. Mutti, however, was not in Hungary publisher capable of publishing the work of Evola in the effort to allow for their wide acceptance. Writings Italian philosopher reach only to narrow circles people interested in them. According to Róbert Horváth most meritorious for the dissemination of ideas remains evoliańskich Hungary András László. Through conferences organized by him has developed a new generation of researchers thinks evoliańskiej thoughts, the most promising among them are the Rudolf Szongott, Szmorad Csaba Ferenc Buji and Tibor Imre Baranyi. Evoliański renaissance in Hungary will therefore have to collide with the effects of phenomena and processes of the anti-traditional, pseudo-tradycjnych or anti-traditional pickling rustic society.
Ronald Lasecki.
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