Wednesday, March 7, 2007

How To Play In Europe

Ratzinger tuszował pedophilia in the Church

"Diocesan bishops covering up cases of pedophilia among priests in accordance with secret instructions, and moved priests guilty of abuse to other parishes" - Colm O'Gorman says the author of "Sex Crimes and the Vatican given by the BBC.

Despite loud in Ireland and the United States where disclosures of pedophilia among priests in 2002, the Holy See has not ceased to apply the policy, which resulted in the toleration of similar abuses in other countries and instead of standing clearly on the side of the victims, their tuszowała harm - Colm O'Gorman says . According

O'Gorman, who as a 14 year old boy he was molested by priests in Ireland and currently heads a charitable organization that helps children in such situations, the responsibility for this lies with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who for 20 years corresponded to for the enforcement of the secret Vatican instruction Crimen Sollicitationis. ADVERTISEMENT
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Instruction of 1962 under threat of excommunication was ordered silence injured children, investigating allegations against the priest priests and the witnesses. Cardinal Ratzinger was further strengthened her insisting that all cases of pedophilia among priests refer directly to the Vatican.

most famous cases of pedophilia among priests came to light in 2002 in the Diocese of Boston in the USA and the diocese of Ferns in County Wexford in the Republic of Ireland. In the U.S., has established a Review (National Review Board) which developed recommendations for the protection of children, while in Ireland, established a special committee, which in October 2005 published a loud report (Ferns Report).

Vatican was passive against attempts to clarify those matters and took no action to prevent their occurrence in other countries, like Brazil, where Father Tarcisio Tadeu Spricigo name was punished by the court as a result of police action, not the Holy See.

According to the author of the report, diocesan bishops covering up cases of pedophilia among priests in accordance with secret instructions, and moved guilty priests abuse to other parishes. The adoption by the churches in the United States, Ireland and England and Wales Guidelines on child protection is the result of grassroots initiatives, rather than top-down action of the Vatican.

O'Gorman Another objection relates to protecting the Vatican and Rome, acting on orders seven priests gończymi wanted lists in the U.S.. One of them, Joseph Henn of Phoenix, Arizona was in a closed convent, from which he escaped and probably hiding in Italy.

None of the ecclesiastical hierarchy did not address those allegations because, according to the author of the program, did not want to be in it.

program does not provide any mention of John Paul II, and of his consistent relation to pedophilia among the clergy that resulted in the exclusion of several priests from the clerical state and the resignation of the Bishop of Ferns Brendan Comisky'ego. Earlier

O'Gorman shot another loud television program about the scandals in the diocese of Ferns, in which he lived as a child.



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