from some two weeks standing on the windowsill above my bed, "composition of autumn" (indeed, worthy of "unexpected" in the picture ...:)) by my younger daughter ... Lukasz
already brandished the and what is not broke little and had to explain the elephant, that such things are important, my God
wogole ... maybe they are "salt of life ".....
and today my mom gave me photos he took "mom Weronki" at the classes of art;
scanned them and then paste here sooner
porbowalam to put this photo a few times but the blogger to me, "it is not swallowed"
Now I go to the castle interior commissions
netem then will compete again
ps. on the night of Monday to Tuesday I decided after several unsuccessful attempts to paste the picture, however, is Sophia, and please no
lyknely google ....
may already be where they put autoamt wgrywajacy
hehehehe, Sophie on the picture below looks like wiewior,
is due to take from this horizon (over head Zosia) pictures,
never mind .....
everyone who knows Sophie knows that there is no przodozgryzu and everything is beautiful:))
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