Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Removing Rear Deck In Grand Am

1789 "Secret Howitzer" Shuvalov

gun was developed in Russia in the eighteenth century, entered the Russian artillery uzborjenia in 1753.
barrel unusual shape was designed to increase the dispersion kartaczy. The results were very satisfactory, inter alia, due to the lengthy process of charging.
Flattened shells for these guns were called "wołowymi muzzle."
Howitzers were the ancestors of the Russian jednorogów.

Gen. Peter Shuvalov, designer howitzer
Source: Internet

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Building A Back Yard Pond In Nevada

reconstruction silhouette crown artillery captain in 1794

photo M. Żebrowska
Reconstruction artillery officer uniform crown 1794. At the head of black velvet hat with gray lamb (could be black) and gold braid width of 2 inches. When a white ostrich feather hat. Jacket with a green cloth, cut Polish. Sash officers silver interspersed with crimson threads. White trousers, linen summer. Irregular boots. Sabre irregular Eastern type (in the picture presented the sword to the British model used to supplement the 1831 figure). Under neck tied with a white cotton necktie fastened with gilded brooches with blue green stone.

Retail collar. Collar is still rolled up. The uniforms, Duchy of Warsaw and the Polish Kingdom collar will have only a high stand-up collar
Photo: M. Zebrowska

One way to bind it to zip tie and brooches.
Photo: M. Żebrowska

Cut skipper of the right arm. Despite issued ordynansu 1 789 where it was recommended the establishment of the cuts only on the left shoulder, iconography representing officers from 1794 shows that the cuts are often worn on both shoulders.
Photo: M. Żebrowska

front flap of uniform, formed by the eversion and sewn in one place the bottom of the jacket. It is a relic of the jacket remained in Polish uniforms on the fields of the coat rolled hems, which originated in this part of uniform.
Photo. M. Zebrowska
Sash Mechelen - Mechelen Matt
the saber - Matt Mechelen
cuts-Jerzy Nowicki
Jacket - Renata Radzikowska
summer trousers - Monika Żebrowska

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cook Venison Neck Roast In A Slow Cooker

Russian system has Jednoróg 1805

Otzrymałem just from friends in Russia drawings that may be helpful to make a copy of the Russian system works 1805. This system fits well to the reconstruction of Polish artillery from the years 1815-1831.

Source: nn (the data will be published as soon as available)
plans Author: nn (the data will be published as soon as available)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How To Add Cheats To Gpsphone Through Ifile

Konfederatka artillery officer. Blanks and photo restoration.

foto: M. Mechelen

Friday, March 5, 2010

Xerex - Aubrey Miles Watch Full Free

Supporters' czechizacji" Polish Phalanx

Ideology ND - especially in its popular version - is characterized by the fact that, according to their stereotypes coined stands among the countries automatically identified and nations as "evil" or "good." For the "bad" include Germany, Ukraine, Lithuania and Hungary, the "good" - above all Russia, and in addition to the Czech Republic. Sympathy for the Czech Republic was visible in the ranks of the National Democratic Party throughout the interwar period. This significant issue the certificate of the defenders of the Polish "national interest", which pompously proclaimed the NDs, if we take into account that the Czech State (Czechoslovakia) throughout this period consistently worked to the detriment of the Polish state. In the years preceding
the outbreak of World War I, the political elite in the Czech Republic remained the largest supporter of Pan-Slavism in Central Europe - the ideology and policies designed to conquer the whole world of Slavic Russia. After 1918, the Czech rusofilstwo smoothly over the prosowieckość. The primary objective of its foreign policy did the Czechs get territorial communications with the Soviet Union, regarded by them as the best guarantee of geostrategic security of their country. On the way to create such a connection was, however, Poland. The Polish-Bolshevik War Bohemia openly cheered the Bolsheviks (shoulder to shoulder with Germany), also during the groundbreaking August 1920 when the hope of getting in contact with the Soviets border crashed into the wall of the Polish army, the Czech political class has focused its attention on the quest to build a corridor leading to the Russian government. To this end, the Czechs clearly dławili separatist aspirations of Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia, Czechoslovakia, forming arm outstretched to the East. Consequently - since 1918 - also pressed on the international arena to the cutting of the Kingdom of Hungary, most Polish-oriented countries in the region and one that before the Battle of Warsaw wanted to provide direct assistance to the Republic armed. It was formalized by treaty, "peace" in the Trianon of 4 June 1920, authorizing Hungary to exist in an extremely truncated form hull. Nevertheless, the Czechs doubled France and Yugoslavia proposed total dissection of the Hungarian state - in 1921 (not obtained consent of the Western powers), and in 1934 an international conference in Geneva (the project was a result of sharp fall in the intervention of the Polish diplomacy.) Although the Czech Republic have managed so gird Hungary to the north and separate them from the Polish territorial wedge on the way to achieve the desired connection with the Soviet Union was still an obstacle: Eastern Galicia, part of the Polish state. To remove this obstacle Czechs supported (funds and propaganda) Ukrainian irredentism in Galicia, hoping to destabilize the internal situation in this country and, consequently, a loss of control over it by Poland. According to the Polish military intelligence services (II Department Chief of Staff HR), after the murder of the CNS Polish Interior Minister Gen. Bronislaw Pieracki (1895-1934) Czechoslovakia involvement in supporting the Ukrainian organizations not only not diminished but increased. Procederowi put an end to only a dramatic year 1938.
So why in the history of political thought and national democracy such a wealth of positive references to, euphemistically speaking, Poland, the Czech hostile neighbor? In our opinion, it grew from the fundamental idea for the National Democratic Party, particularly sharply and clearly articulated in the first stage of the history of this movement, but never afterwards abandoned: its demand to make the Poles "modern nation", that is the target of modernization of the Polish society (and to put it bluntly - social revolution.) National Democratic Party represented a social and political modernism. Model of modernization among the Slavs remained the Czechs. They were plebeian nation, a nation-a people who since the Thirty Years' War lost its layer of nobility and aristocracy survived in the Czech society was a very small group. The Poles, with unusually large or numerous nobles and the aristocracy, been on the opposite pole, which drove the early national democrats to raise slogans of the struggle "szlachetczyzną. The Czechs were highly secularized society, so it is hardly surprising, given the related husytyzmem, kacerską (anti-Latin, anti-Roman) origins of the Czech national idea, and the subsequent vulnerability of this country in the modern, more or less irreligious (or anti-religious) doctrine. In Poland, however, Catholicism continued strongly rooted in the broad masses of people - which in turn set the early modernist ND commanded eject the demand (by some of its representatives held up until the mid-twenties), anti-Polish "clericalism". Czech Republic have far-reaching of industrialization and urbanization, while in Poland there was still predominantly agricultural society, agrarian, dominated by landowners and peasants - not without reason, regarded as the two most conservative (Because it related to the earth) social strata. The Czech Republic has developed quickly in a bourgeois society, with its ubiquitous ethos of egalitarianism and Equality, "civil", regarded as a necessary foundation for a democratic regime. In the womb of Polish national community, but also tarnished the tooth of modernity, has preserved the foundations of a hierarchical social system and a number of traditional social institutions. Endeccy columnists rugali own nation for that long is not eager to reach "modern politics" on the model of society Western. The Czechs reached it probably the fastest in the Slav world: soon realized - essentially a left-wing - the concept of nation in 1789.
The Advocates' czechizacji "non-Polish national-democratic movement was one such Stanislaw Stomma, understands its ethos collective construction based on "values" bourgeois, focused mainly on tangible goods. Sam connected with the environment before the war mocarstwowców, since 1939, constantly criticized the alleged tendency of Poles to the idealism and heroism ill, with particular insistence pastwiąc over the Polish "romanticism." Pastwił only verbally, of course, you can no longer be said about those with whom he would collaborate Stomma. After the war, in fact followed a typical path of "political realism" agreed to a licensed by the communists (and legitimizing it) "progressive Catholics", so in the years 1957-1976 could sit in parliament the communist era. From his pen came out the numerous statements in which maintained more or less like this: "People Polish Policy stood on the solid foundation, the alliance chose complies with the perspectives development of our nation. It is the alliance with the Soviet Union. "(" Zycie Warszawy ", 1960). Or: "Citizens of the Communist Party say, proletarian internationalism, and we say: Universalism in the Christian spirit. Other philosophical ground, but the conclusions are rather similar and lead times to a common purpose. (...). Stwierdzaliśmy repeatedly that the general direction of socio-political delineated for the Polish after World War II we consider to be legitimate. "(" General Weekly ", 1961). After taking part in the round Table posiwiały veteran "political realism" ended his career in the Senate of the Republic of the Round Table, where he served on behalf of the Democratic Union, and later as an activist of the Freedom Union.
This sketch is by no means serve deprecjonowaniu history and culture, the Czech Republic, on the contrary, writes this could indicate the items worthy of genuine respect - even though he's not those, what they looked for advocates of " czechizacji " Polish, praising themselves for alleged "realism." Its aim is rather to indicate what they're up calls discourse of "realistic" that the adoption of more "mundane", materialistic and pragmatic software to actually ensure that the public concerned "keep up" for the "challenges of the modern world" and provides him with greater strength, efficiency and prosperity in the activities. Basically, it amounts to the belief that in return for expected benefits relatively quickly it pays to ignore the standards carried by religion, tradition and history - when in reality The calculated in this way, the benefits often do not follow, a turning away from these standards community brings measurable effect of anomie and downfall. "Political realists," and other breeding endeckiego, put up as a model for the Czech agility alleged Polish romantics, and kabotynom idealistom, apparently at any occasion, specially for the swords to the right and left squander the blood of the nation. The proof of the superiority of the former attitude is to be the fact that as a result of centuries of alleged reckless and violent outbursts, "Romantic" Poles are roughly four times more numerous than the "realistic" Czechs ...

Adam Danek

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The Damage Of Whipits

Jozef Bohdan Zaleski as the national bard and the bard tradition

Homeland our lifelong condition - Compatriots!
ustawnie Why, ćwiczym to in the duties of the state,
And cold, hungry, without a hut, without pay, as we can
służym the nation and the Lord!

Jozef Bohdan Zaleski Spółtułaczom "(1860)

Jozef Bohdan Zaleski (1802, Bohatyrka - 1886, Villepreux) was one of the greatest, as well as for his life, the most popular Polish writers Romantic poetry. He co-founded called it. "Ukrainian school", but it represented mainly by Antoni Malczewski and Seweryn Goszczyński. Today is totally a misunderstood poet. His absence in the current cycle mean a great loss not only, in general, for the Polish cultural life, but also, in particular, for the Polish right wing, which may (and, in our view, should) be found in its heritage a source of inspiration for yourself, just as the sources of such finds in the heritage of other protagonists of Polish Romanticism: Count Zygmunt Krasinski (1812-1859), Norwid (1821-1883) and, in some respects, Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855). Significant work of Zaleski's certificate issued by the fact that many of them praised the Polish conservatives, including OO. Resurrectionists, belonging to the reaction "pentarchii Petersburg" Michal Grabowski (1804-1863), Ultramontane Fr. Jan Koźmian (1814-1877) and Krakow Stańczycy - prof. Szujski Joseph (1835-1883) and Professor . Count Stanislaw Tarnowski (1837-1917). Throughout
Zaleski life felt as a person and as a poet, a special bond with the homeland - the Ukraine. There certainly is a direct conflict with the Polish national identity. Poland called their homeland, and Ukraine - original - its Matczyzną. Based on " oldest Slavic written application in Nestor, Russian chronicler of medieval, said that the Polish and Ukrainian peoples have a common origin: the Poles are derived from the" Vistula Polan, while Russians and Ukrainians from " Polan Dnieper. The particular role of Ukraine in the works Zaleski stemmed from several reasons. On the one hand, the poet confessed view - very conservative - that guarantee the existence of order in a world of harmony between man and nature, according to type of man and nature in a higher order. In his eyes, the harmony that has survived in the Ukraine, while in other countries has been long lost. On the other hand, Ukraine is a country of steppes - a large space (in German Grossraum ), with it, stimulates the spirit, a kind of mysticism. Finally, Ukraine was a land border. Borderland Christian civilization where the people come into contact with the people representing the non-Christian civilizations, Tartars and Turks, and where they had to repel invasions. On the open steppe pustaciach could not hide - ever had to face the enemy. History of Ukraine appeared to Zaleski as a band battles and wars in defense of the south-eastern borders of the Republic against invaders bisurmańskim - so the story of heroic. Its residents in fire-fighting frontiersmen have produced a warlike ethos in its sublime form, based on the idea of \u200b\u200bgenerous service to his homeland. The ethos is shaped by its own Borderland example of chiefs-zagończycy, overshadows his armor against the Republic of onslaught from the east and gromiący its enemies on the Ukrainian steppes. Forgotten today, many of these characters - the Crown Hetman Janusz Bieniawskiego, Cossack hetman Zaporojian Konaszewicz-Sahajdaczny Peter (1570-1622), leader of the Cossacks lowland governor Przecław Lanckoroński Khmelnytsky (died 1531), the legendary priest-emissary Jack Dominican Republic, originators of permanent establishment of the Cossacks border security forces and the governor czerkaskiego kaniowskiego Ostafi Dashkevich (c. 1455-1535) - reminiscent of the old glory songs Zaleski emerge from the dust of battle similar to Tolkien's heroes. To fight leads them invariably White Angel, as he called the people of St. Michael, appearing on a coat of arms and flags of Ukraine. By moving the stormy history of Ukraine in the world of myth, the poet sometimes he could not avoid passing the historical truth, such as in the song "Queen Dumka Kosinski" (1822) reinvented by Krzysztof Kosinski (d. 1593), leader of the Cossack uprising against the Republic, the Polish knight defending her against the Tartars.
most important of the characters appearing in the works Zaleski Bojan remains. The Romantic era writers often invoked to life in the pages of his works, characters, through whose lips could speak to their compatriots in the tradition of his earliest, and therefore its purest form. In this way, for example, the Scottish poet James Macpherson romantic (1736-1796) created the character of a bard Osjan, exponent of the Celtic tradition alive allegedly at the turn of Antiquity and Middle Ages. On the cards works Zaleski is alive and wandering Bojan, wonderful, majestic exponent of the Slavic tradition. It occurs first in the "Word on the expedition Igor " Old Russian poem from the twelfth century. For Zaleski Bojan is the epitome of both guard and heroic history of the Slavs. Is the archetype of the poet - a poet who is spiritual (and not only) the leader of the nation, leading the nation to fight the invaders. Zaleski called himself "a grandson of Bojana" or "Bojaniczem (Bojana son) and his poetry described as" songs bojańskiej "or" pobojańskiej ", continues the tradition of Bojana.
Slavic heritage was one of the foundations of ideological orientation Zaleski. "God - World - Słowiaństwo - Polszcza - Ukraine" poet wrote about 1840 in the poem "Fifth in my gęśli", listing the most important points of reference for myself. He expressed the belief that the common origin of all Slavic nations, whose name had to be derived from the Word - the Word of God, and therefore signify his sons and messengers.

" centuries before the word was in the beginning,
Slavs that goes from my thread with one word
plemiennicy all;
fame - Jeno latopiscy utters.

- Zaleski wrote a short piece" The word ". He tried to personally assist in the work of the approach to each other Slavic nations. For this purpose he founded in Paris in 1835 (along with the likes of Adam Mickiewicz) Slavic Society, which had spread among the Poles, knowledge of other Slavic nations, or, as was the act of incorporation, draw their attention "to anything that its what spółsłowiańskie - to fellow history and hymns, and speaking - for old memorabilia and new hopes . " One of the nations, for which he wanted to draw attention Zaleski Poles were Serbs - the poet translated into Polish or paraphrased a number of Serbian folk songs and historical, collected and issued by the father of modern Serbian literary Vuk Karadzic (1787-1864). Among these works was primarily chivalrous poem "Tsar Lazar and carzyca Milica", worth a battle fought at Kosovo Polje in 1389, by the Serbian knights against the overwhelming forces of the Muslim Turks - an event most important for the Serbian national tradition. In 1848 he also participated in the Slavic Congress in Prague, hoping that it will there support for the ideas propounded by myself.
for the poet's interest in promoting the Slavic world was hidden vision of the future unification of all Slavic countries - unite for which it may be presumed that it was in some way to realize the political level. Announced (or rather predicted) for each of the world unite Slavonic Zaleski was associated with the unification of Christianity - the settlement of the Eastern schism. Therefore, as patrons often mentioned the Slavs along St. And St. Paul. Basil, symbolizing respectively the western and eastern tradition of the Church. A place where the future will be the unification of Christianity, he saw where the Western and Eastern rites existed side by side for centuries - in Ukraine. Recalled in this context, Ukrainian folk belief according to which "the Lord's saints some live in deserts and between Dnieper Bohem and pray there for Ukraine," and among them are Saints Paul and Basil. The unification of Christianity and the simultaneous unification of the Slavic world would make that the land reign of Christ order, in which all nations will find freedom in the first place, and the Slavic peoples, hitherto unjustly deprived of her - and this order will continue until the Parousia. Zaleski has put the prophecy in the mouth of one of his heroes of Ukraine, Father Jack:

" The king of the Slavs from under the star ...
Lech white eagle nest!
score in the gold wand. Which
- Holy Spirit - the same uszczka. Faith United
The old nurse peoples,
Hence the world Here rozwielmoży ...
throne standing on a rock! And the governor
thunder God ...
trample dark powers of hell! ... The design
pogruchoce peoples.
Until God makes the wrath of the earth!
And amid flashes - beat thunder -
znijdzie Christ - after widomu! ...

impulse to unite the Slavic world was out of the Polish, or rather - of the Republic, the political forms of bonded joint and the hallowed tradition of the heroic story of a common view of the Crown, Lithuania and Russia. Symbolic expression of this view was the trinity of three provinces their patrons, they exchange a single breath Zaleski: St. Stanislaus St. And St. Casimir. Josaphat. Poet, he expressed the conviction that this relationship is a fuse the organic, such as invocation contained the poem "Prayer for Poland " (1840):

" Mary, Mother, Queen of Heaven, in the three territories
your graces most renowned, Three
your lands - Lithuania - Rus - The Crown At
holy feet spread out before you!
Lithuania - Rus' - Poland - trójlistny a pansy, a pure virgin
otchnijże your flower!

In his greatest work, the poem historiosophic" Spirit of the steppe "(1836), portrayed Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine as the three sisters. Also honored the memory of the union Horodlo and Lublin, writing on their part of the song "The sounds of ! "(1861), which called for the former Commonwealth nations to the common struggle to throw off the invaders and the continuation of power union heritage - play a split of the partitions of a political body. When it comes to the Polish position in a united Slav world, Zaleski wrote of her as a "reigning among the Slavs ", which however does not mean domination over the other Slavic peoples, but rather the leadership among them. Vision
Zaleski was also perceived geopolitical dimension. The Slavic world described by him were the geopolitical three vectors, respectively returned to the south, west and east. The first of these was associated with the poet's celebrated woman fighting the Slavs (Poles, Cossacks, and Serbs) against the oncoming onslaught of Islam in the south as the Turkish and Tartar invasions. The second expressed in the anti-German orientation, including the apparent in the "Spirit of the steppe " where Zaleski spoke German invasions of the Slavs (Czechs, among others) made in the pre-Christian times. Third and finally expressed itself in anti-Russian orientation. The poet in his works often pictured as a country oppressive Russia the Slav nations. Russians did not think, moreover, the Slavic people, but "czudzki", ie Finnish origin; recognized as false idea about the origin of Russia from Kievan Slavic (Ruthenians-Ukrainians called for "perpetual" alliance with the Poles against Moscow), and in the poem "Polanski grave" (1864) even described the Russians as "Turanian (...) the wilderness." Polish katorżników in Siberia called the "crusaders of the Lord." Consistently emphasized the need to fight against the onslaught of the Slavs both Germanic and Russian. He wrote " murdered - and death - and no conciliator / No przedzierzgnie Pole or German Russians " and in the same breath exchanged joint Polish-Lithuanian army triumphs of Grunwald (against Germany) and of Orsza (anti-Moscow). The vision of geopolitical Zaleski included in the heritage allows him to be - alongside such Adam Jerzy Czartoryski Prince (1770-1861) - one of the precursors of the later nineteenth-century ideas ISTHMUS ( Intermarium ), ie integration in the great geopolitical unit of the countries situated between Germany and Russia and between the Baltic seas, the Black and the Adriatic.
struggle of Poles and Slavs of all German and Russian domination could not be fulfilled without a strong, charismatic military and political leadership. In an appropriate manner many romantics, Zaleski announced the advent of in the near future, the leader of the nation, called by him in accordance with the Polish and Ukrainian tradition of the captain.

" dreamed of a century of war wedding, the Grand Hetman
waited, I'm waiting
old, as I waited for the young,
Duma dum my, oh! niewyśpiewana.

- mentioned in the poem" Niewyśpiewana , "written in the seventies of the nineteenth century. In an earlier song " consolation" (1864) and predicted:

" grows in the desert a man of sorrows, more than
Chief reins over bard poets;
But she has to hide again, lightning
him into the circle of the herald.


Ucichnij, my people! Focus on the ear!
already roar in the distance somewhere in ocean waves ...
husband is coming - go bard-captain in the glory of the fallen brothers
carry on the spirit.

form Queen intertwined in the mind of the person Zaleski's spiritual leader, the poet - the poet's soul-expanding nation and leading it to fight the enemy. His archetype remains, of course, Bojan, and next to him, Homer, according to Zaleski - the first poet who became a true exponent of the spirit of his people. Zaleski, introduced by the symbol "circle of eternity", declaring that the poet, who manages to achieve a bond with people like Homeric, will be "in the circle of eternity " alongside Homer. The bard is also a mediator between the nation and the spiritual world. He explains God's people and also submit a request to God people, so as to properly fulfill its mission, must remain in communication with the higher reality:

" bard, a prisoner's death - trapped in the isthmus,
When will your cross - and the bane of prześni
- gets wings - and wzlata
the Guardian Angel in the area of \u200b\u200bthe universe.


bard there, between the depth and profundity,
controls like pigeon post,
Same spirits
Paradise gives news of happiness, earthly sorrows.

advised to romance authors like to remind him cierpiętnictwa cult and that the accompanying tendency to fascination with national disasters, such as losses rise and taken the fight with no hope of victory. Zaleski is not confirmed by his example of such, rather caricature, stereotype romance: always preferred to describe the battle of winning than losing - recall the triumphs and the glory of the Slavic arms. At the same time undoubtedly included the romantic messianists. There remained, however, opposed Messianism varieties developed by Andrew Towianski which he saw as heresy - to the extent that broke friendship with Adam Mickiewicz, when he became towiańczykiem, and so departed from the teachings of the Church.
towianizmu hostility to the cause was in the deep Catholicism Zaleski. Religiosity, from which was famous poet, do not close if only in his private life, but also manifested itself in his work, even assuming the form of Catholic mysticism, for example, the line " grief and grace" (1846) is a record of mystical experience, sustained by the author during prayerful meditation, as the subtitle informs, in the monastery " Trappist Alsatian day Saint. Bernard 1846 years. " Catholicism Zaleski had a clear impact on his political beliefs or artistic. In the years 1835-1837 the poet briefly belonged to the leftist Polish Democratic Society, which broke due to return to the faith that if he survived. Słowacki was criticized as manifested in his poetry bezbożnictwo. Moreover, since the dawn of his existence, he maintained ties with the Order LTD. The Resurrection, the leading Polish émigré circles of spiritual work of the counterrevolution.
stereotype as a revolutionary romantic historicism Zaleski denied, finally, his love of the heritage of the past, in which a man in his eyes should be firmly rooted.
All these elements appear in a slightly esoteric, full of symbols of the poem " Sen-Tree-seers " (1839). Poet outlined in the vision of a mysterious tree, standing somewhere on the Ukrainian steppes to guard the graves of their ancestors. It grew out "of the divine rosady " and then "swore " Bojan them yourself. Sen-Tree-seers mediates between the Lord God and man - "Slavic tribes " forward " news from heaven ". Who will feel the smell, or listen to the sound of his, he finds in his memory, "a hundred generations happening." Zaleski called Slavs to return to this tree, announcing the first one to draw his wand at him, will be succeeded by Bojana. Symbol of Sleep-Trees-Wieszczego may be interpreted as a representation of the poet's ideas about the importance of tradition that comes from divine inspiration, but also rooted in his native land, dotted with the graves of ancestors, beyond man, sets him his place in the earthly world, while allowing to go beyond it - is the way contact with the sacred . Representatives of the Romantic happy indeed reached for the tree symbol, such as a romantic conservative thinker (also considered by some - especially the left - the authors as a precursor of fascism) Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) opposed the vision of the world-tree (the world as an organic, living unity) characteristic of the thought of "enlightenment" vision of a world-machine (the world as a mechanical structure, governed the principles of utilitarianism). Not otherwise did and Zaleski - apart from the above examples, among others in the poem " cedar " outlined Polish comparison to a cedar tree, which God threw primordium " the skies, (...) the plains between the two seas ."
deep and militant Catholicism, conservatism and historicism, the conviction of the need to return to orthodox Christian unity, and the chivalrous ethos stemming from the imperatives of service and homeland defense of Christian civilization, a vision of personalized, powerful, and with the spirited leadership of the nation, and finally the idea to unite the world Slavonic between Germany and Russia - are the reasons why the legacy of Joseph Bohdan Zaleski is a valuable source of inspiration for the Polish right-wing circles. Adam Danek

text is a record of speech delivered during the celebration of the 208th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Bohdan Zaleski, organized in Krakow by the Polish Organization Official Group, Little Poland neighborhood branch of the Falange and the Małopolska Conservative Club