Polish geopolitics
In Poland, similarly, As in many countries of the world can now see a renaissance of interest in geopolitics. This interest, as is usual in the case of popular topics, but has largely superficial. In the media, all sorts of paper and electronic autoramentu use every day terms, "geopolitics" and "geopolitical" in disarming even any way. Despite this media buzz original achievements of the Polish geopolitics, developed since the second half of the nineteenth century, remains rather unknown, except for a narrow academic and expert - paradoxically, because its creators usually address their works to the broad masses readers.
course, be taken into account that during the period of communist rule geopolityków work of Polish rule, they can not re-appear due to ideological censorship; slipped her only the choice of letters Wakar Vladimir (1885-1933), issued in 1984 under the title "Polish corridor whether a German enclave ." Two decades, however, a lot of time to make up for this kind of backlog. Yet within twenty years after the (alleged) "the fall of communism" in the (allegedly) "free Poland" resumed (twice - in 1994 and 2009) only one of the canonical works of the Polish geopolitics: " Between Germany and Russia " (1937) by Adolf Bochenski (1909-1944), and some of the smaller letters Bączkowski Vladimir (1905-2000) .
publishing on this desert real appreciation should arouse the initiative of the right-wing publications Antiquity. It recently gave into the hands of readers at a time four outstanding work geopolitics Studnicki Wladyslaw (1867-1953) - Book: "Russia in East Asia" (1904), "The Polish " (1910), "The question of Czechoslovakia a Polish raison d'etat " (1938) and "In the coming II nd World War " (1939).
Studnicki - monarchist, conservative and nationalist - before World War I was the leading theoretician of the anti-Russian irredentism, as one of the first began to promote the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating Polish armed units to fight against Russia. In 1914, he called for the construction of the way of war " Polish state złączonego real or dynastic union with Austria and Hungary ." Revived Polish state was characterized far protruding its eastern borders, based on the Dvina and Berezina line or even the upper Dnieper. Studnicki provided for the inclusion of the Volyn, the land of Kaunas and parts of Latvia. His vision was to become the Liepaja port city Polish, Poland geoekonomiczny providing access to the Baltic. For many years, remained a widespread perception that it is this proniemiecko oriented thinker and policies led to the publication by the Emperors Wilhelm II and Franz Joseph I in 1916, the Act of 5 November, reproducing the Polish Kingdom (whose gradual elimination, distributed in time for many years successively carat conducted in retaliation for the January Uprising). In the interwar period promoted a project to build Studnicki bloc countries of Central and Eastern Europe, united under the aegis of Germany (with optional participation of France), in which the second most important position would take Poland. This concept sparked a discussion in the French parliament and nervous reactions USSR authorities, concerned about its anti-Soviet edge. During World War II Studnicki repeatedly tried - with the consent of the Underground State, or even at their command - obtain from the German government's suspension of the Polish criminal policy of mass repression, persecution of the population and destruction of property of national culture. These tests cost him his internment in Germany (1940) and the Pawiak prison (1941-1943).
Most of the excavated from oblivion by the work of Antiquity geopolitical Studnicki is resumed for the first time since its original publication. The exception is the book "In the coming II of World War , resumed earlier by Adam Marshall Torun outbuilding in the years 2000-2002, published in a four-volume selection of letters thinker. Giving due credit for publishing Torun character and heritage restoration Studnicki Polish readers, it is now noted that it has not kept the integrity of texts that were full of leaves. Prepared by Antique disobedient edition of the works is the conservative nature of the reprint, giving the reader the possibility of direct contact with their original text, without any interference from the publisher.
Rejoicing in the return of Polish geopolitics on the shelves of bookstores, waiting now for the resumption of work geopolitical prof. Eugene hr. Romer (1871-1954), prof. Smolensky George (1881-1940), prof. Stanislaw Pawlowski (1882-1940), Col. Henry Baginski (1888-1973), Col. Ignacy Matuszewski (1891-1946), Stanisław Cat-Mackiewicz (1896-1966), doc. Konstanty Grzybowski (1901-1970), Cpt. Niezbrzyckiego George (1902-1968), prof. Kiełczewski-Zaleska Maria (1906-1980), Major geostrategic Roman Roman Umiastowski (1893-1982), Professor geohistorycznych. Oscar Halecki (1891-1973) and prof. Zygmunt Wojciechowski (1900-1955). Ownership by people both living and independent thinking geopolitical and geostrategic condition is critical sine qua non for the implementation by the independent foreign policy and strategy. Contemporary Polish, completely devoid of self-reliance in these latter areas, it never fails to recover without intensive work on the development of the former.
Adam Danek