Wednesday, April 14, 2010

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Pantheon cronies

" We are dwarfs, who climbed onto the shoulders of giants. "

Bernard of Chartres

On the day he created this statement, the decision was announced - in all likelihood be taken jointly by the political class demoliberalną and controlled by (as it is called Mr. Stanislaw Michalkiewicz)" Order of the Fathers Konfidencjałów "the authorities of the Polish Church local - the burial of the deceased President of the Republic tragically Round Table in the basement of the Wawel Cathedral, among the Polish kings, poets, and national leaders. P. Prof. Lech Kaczynski is not only to be buried at the most venerable of the Polish cemetery, rests in the crypt of Silver Bells, "alongside Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, whose character apparently very highly esteemed.
The attempt to assess political biography and achievements of prof. Kaczynski's shortage of space and this text in no way pretend to be such a role. Sample of such a moment, moreover, not be encouraged, since even those politicians and journalists, from left (eg Mr Adam Michnik) to loosely understood the law (for example, prof. Adam Wielomski), who for the life they left in the dead of dry noodles (to express the euphemistically), now take the attitude wystudiowanego "regret." Writing these words are not ranked among the fans never see Kaczynski, and after his tragic death does not intend to join the chorus of his hastily-formed - sincere and hypocritical - hagiographers. The fourth president of the Round Table went down in history, certainly better than its predecessors - which may not have been very difficult, given the konduitę the latter. Comparing it with TW "Wolski" TW "Bolek", and TW "Alek", is easy to see that it is not encapsulated in a very shameful pattern previously associated with the presidential seat of the Republic.
Still, prof. Kaczynski stayed until the end of the regular demoliberałem, Intergroups entangled in quarrels and competitions. In his political silhouette lacks the elements of authority, power, political or Weberian charisma. In addition, both the "anti-okrągłostołowi" supporters and "pro-okrągłostołowi" adversaries seldom remembered that in 1989 he found himself in a narrow circle of participants in the secret meetings in a villa in Magdalenka Communist Interior Ministry, the final stage of preparation to replace the communist oligarchy, the oligarchy of the Republic of the Round Table. On a completely irrelevant (to again resort to euphemisms) zakrawa then deposit it next to a statesman, who in 1926 overthrew the parliamentary government, crushed partyjniacką "republic of the March" and a few years later, finally showed the political parties in their place, sending party leading to the fortress of Brest-Litovsk.
thinkers so different, as Cyprian Norwid (1821-1883), Maurice Barrčs (1862-1923) and x. Primate Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski (1901-1981) in the identical words indicated that the graves are the foundation of the Homeland. Demoliberalna political class seem to feel unrestrained by anything (or standards niesionymi by tradition, or even good taste), the owner of the latter, since without embarrassment reaches the deepest reverence surrounded, historic cemeteries of the nation and holds them as he sees fit. It is not enough it is just that in his life to remain unpunished and inviolable, that anyone who publicly challenges the propagated by her own version of her accomplishments, will be destroyed by her well-paid lawyers and the media hounded even before "sessions of hatred." It calls for something more - sacralization, symbolic immortalization. This seems to confirm a sequence in which it is part of today's decision. In 2004, she managed to call for burial in a national pantheon of the Academy of the Rock, "the former poputczika" Czeslaw Milosz - as in his famous article, who ended his career as a journalist, described him a great anti-communist Sergei Piasecki (1901-1964), Nobel Prize-Stalinist, perhaps the last public appearance was an open letter (signed by him together with a companion from the days of Stalin, Mr. Wislawa Szymborska) with greetings to participants of the first in Poland, "the march of tolerance." When in 2008 the professor was killed in an accident. Bronislaw Geremek, another ex-Stalinist, and one of the "founding fathers" of the Republic of the Round Table, wyprawiono his glamorous funeral in the Catholic rite, though certainly not died in the bosom of the Church.
There are rumors that the tomb in the Alley of the Meritorious Cemetery, from which the Communists in the sixties they removed the coffin Lt. Col. Valery Slawek (1879-1939), is to be buried Secretary of Communist Party Comrade Wojciech Jaruzelski. Demoliberalna political class who comes from a pact okrągłostołowego, probably will have no scruples in this matter. Is it hard to even stop the conversion of the Polish national pantheons pantheons "republic of cronies? Adam Danek

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Answers to questions in a questionnaire, or interview with the spokesman of the Falange

This interview contains answers given by the Falange spokesman, Ronald Laseckiego to questions in the poll conducted by a student at University. Given that the answers have a certain value prezentystyczną, being able to bring the interested parties of the ideological direction of the slope, we decided to publish it.

Ronald Lasecki

first To which organization you are, and how many years do you operate?

RL: I'm a member of the Phalange, which ranks operate from a little over a year.

second What is the history of the organization?

RL: The Phalanx was founded in January 2009, has since organized a series of meetings with guests, go off-road, street demonstrations, we have contact with similar organizations from Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Romania, and we plan to prepare a training camp for our members. They are among us, the authors of numerous articles and popular publications that have accumulated on our blog:

third Why was revived after years of the organization?

RL: Currently, the existing Phalanx is not a simple continuation of their prewar predecessors, although the legacy of both the ideological and political as well as the RNR Boleslaw Piasecki is one of our most important sources of inspiration. The idea the creation of the Falange was to establish a right-wing activist formations integrally uniting strands of the national-radical and tradycjonalistyczno-revolutionary.

4th What are the rules of the organization and what are you fighting?

RL: Our political doctrine is founded on the metaphysics of the Catholic, we combine the organic nationalism and traditionalism, and accept the principle of monarchical as a starting point in determining the nature of public authority. We are on the ground against the individualism and personalism humanism. We reject constructivism and rationalism, and materialism in all forms ..

Our goal is to establish a counter-revolution, understood as a legitimate power and order in place of the current bezhołowia and chaos. Made in the national dimension will create the Great Polish - Catholic state of the Polish nation, carried out in the universal dimension, will allow Poland to live in a family of free European nations, united in a renewed spirit of Latin culture, and politically under the dominion of the Empire reborn, rising them towards a Social Reign Christ on earth. This is a universalist conception of Order, in which nations and communities at various levels and sizes, will resonate in a harmonious symphony of spiritual and cultural.

5th What is the age range of members of the organization?

RL: We do not use age limits, but spiritual. Member of the Phalange can be anyone who is willing to serve the national cause.

6th Is there a high turnover of members? (Or vice versa - people going in the organization)

RL: It is difficult to answer this question, because we operate a relatively short time. About this, how many of us will be "political soldiers" Soon we shall see in a few years.

7th What role do religion and the homeland?

RL: Phalanx is not a religious organization, so do not interfere in personal religiosity of individual members. It is important to us their willingness to sacrifice in the service of establishing a Deal, depository of knowledge which is the Church of Rome, and which is also a spell in the Tradition. Thus, by the Catholic elements present in different religions and worldviews, in phalanx may also find non-Muslims or unbelievers, provided, however, that they will not adopt a hostile attitude towards Catholicism.

homeland, and thus the earth with human beings living on it, is the primary source of identification of each man - his identity building, after watching and entering into relationship with the environment in which we live, in both the inanimate, as well as with members of their community. Therefore, each person connects with his homeland though unaware of the bond is indissoluble, because inborn. Individual etnosy live - to put it metaphorically - in the rhythm of the wavelength emitted by the not occupied by the ecological niche, by their own ekumenę. Therefore, it is a negative migration phenomenon, leading the invasion by a foreign ekumeny its etnos, which then either in isolation zaskorupia own ghetto gradually degenerating, or - if it is strong enough and numerous - destroying the environment encountered and culture of the country being occupied. Old traditions are dying, trees, flowers, forests and mountains. This leads to exploitation and exploitation. These damages are always making strangers or people spiritually uprooted from their homeland - his would be a pity. Today, these reflections should be applied not only affects the invasion of Western Europe of the peoples of the South, but perhaps primarily to zdepersonalizowanego, abstract nomadic corporate capital, responsible for human exploitation and devastation of nature, also for the decay of a market economy and undermining the very principle of property.

8th What is the symbolism associated with the organization?

RL: Our organization is a symbol of the Falange (the hand with a sword) and used on our banners the color black and red. On the banner we use a stylized symbol of a crowned eagle. Falange anthem is "Hymn Young, the alternative use of a" march Punches "Trzebińskiego Andrew and his translation of the English Falange anthem. Members of the organization wear the black shirts.

Mark phalanx is traditionally used by the Polish national-radical group, and symbolizes our relationship with the political mainstream, the black symbolizes the death of our shirts carried demoliberalnej ideology, the red is taken from a Roman symbol of victory and the legions of imperial power. The very name of the grouping should be understood as both a reference to the pre-war predecessors, as well as a symbol of firmness, discipline, spiritual unity, in which each falangist is for the other "comrades" in the common struggle. I think the symbolism of our Anthem and other songs do not require extensive explanations.

9th What are the anniversaries of important events and cultivate?

RL: That's a tough question, trying to find anniversaries today often forgotten, but important to the contemporary identity of Poles. For example, I could mention a few anniversaries of events that have either already been celebrated, or are planning to celebrate. Among them are Victoria Vienna anniversary, the anniversary of the conquest of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, some related to the anniversary of the life of Prince Jeremy Wiśniowiecki, anniversary Marcia su Roma. In addition to these, of course, we celebrate several anniversaries from the history of the Polish national radicalism, including the anniversary of the National Armed Forces, to issue the first issue of pre-war " Falange", the anniversary of the death of Boleslaw Piasecki. At the end, finally, we celebrate the anniversary of a nationwide, even independence, the Warsaw Uprising. These are just a few incoming me at the moment to head examples.

10th Why are organized demonstrations, marches? Against whom / what?

RL: Reasons for public manifestations of the Phalanx can be divided into two group. The first relates to commemorate and pay tribute to individuals or events that worth. The second group of causes result from the need to protest against the efforts of actors attempts counterculture transformation of public space and collective consciousness of the Poles. That's why we demonstrate against attempting the zinstrumentalizowanymi lewactwu their slogans promoting the emancipation of women or sexual perversion, yet here and destroy the surviving remnants of the national culture. We will never become indifferent to the killing of children in the womb of mothers, promotion nieobyczajności and devastation of the family, marriage and the traditional erotic culture, against exploitation by the Poles or the impersonal juggernaut state capital, entrepreneurship fiscalism destruction, the issue of money and debt securities with no coverage in the actual production of goods and services, to the actual proletarianization of office workers, mentally and physically rotated in a totally incapacitated drones System.

11th Will you organize meetings, concerts, lectures?

RL: Yes, there are regular meetings with zapraszanymi specially for this occasion speakers. We also organize sightseeing-conditioning marches, we plan to undertake regular training and arrange Warsaw concert nonkonformistycznego a right-wing group.

12th How large is the organization?

RL: This information is confidential and, therefore, allow me to decline to answer.

13th What profess moral values?

RL: I think I already answered this question.

14th What is your attitude to other nationalities?

RL: As I mentioned earlier, we believe that every etnos "flashes in the rhythm of the environment inhabited by them, which implies the application of a destructive the impact of migration as well as a nomadic ethnic groups, parasitic, taking up residence in a country with no identification with him, treating him as a conquered land, as a reservoir of resources, with a reluctant or even disdainful of relating to its indigenous inhabitants. Hence our reluctance to Anglo-Saxon liberal model, allowing mixing of heterogeneous ethnic groups, hence the support for traditional, associated with the land, the appropriate model eurazjatyckiemu "closed" communities. At the same time we recognize the complexity of multilevelness and the inner reality of ethnic, so the existence of a provincial or regional subetnosów (such as the Tatra) and superetnosów (such as the Anglo-Saxon or Turanian), grouping nations of the spiritual race konstytuowanej by what metaphorically could be defined specific to the rhythm of the race of the ethnic field.

We are, therefore, for the preservation of and characteristics of individual communities, allowing the mixing of heterogeneous ethnic elements only in individual cases, or (very limited) at the elite level. We note at the same time the universal value of the Roman Christian culture, which is transforming the once Etnosphere U.S. has led to there new, nutritious and creative superetnosów hispanoamerykańskiego, frankoamerykańskiego or luzoamerykańskiego, giving the world so beautiful monuments to the size of the sublime and spiritual culture as Andean Baroque or mate as the sensuous tradition of New Orleans, as a feudal society in rural Quebec ( live at some time in the 50's of XX century). What a contrast to the background represent the parasitic effects of the expansion, the Anglo-Saxon maritime superetnosu responsible even for the complete murder Tasmanians, almost complete extirpation Native Americans, for the deprivation of Ireland two thirds of its original population, while the rest of the rotation almost slaves.

That is why we advocate eliminating all political, military and cultural impact of countries' anglosfery "on countries, peoples, nations and races of Great Island (ie, Europe, Africa and Asia) and all the countries formed in Catholicism and Latin culture. Anglo-Saxon globalization Demoliberalnej , we oppose solar, romano-imperial universalism Eurasian unifying peoples "from Sao Paulo to Bucharest," but also carrying them to a spiritual rebirth through their marriage with the East, and Asia, with the great steppe of Siberia - a treasury of wisdom and Axis Mundi.

The marriage of these to play a special role is intended to Poland, Central Europe growing at a great imperial heritage, Roman in its severity and hierarchies, but also in the eastern steppe and his idealism. We are convinced that they are right and mesjaniści succeeding Polish Romantic poets, pointing to the special role to play in the history of the world's Providence Poland spent. This will be the role of the country, which should boost output for connection "solar" activist spirituality of Europe with the depth and subtlety of the soul of the East. The role that our country once had - admittedly in a clumsy and unskilled - he tried to play in the early modern period, but even then the arrogance, myopia, and disobedience to God's commandments, meant that this attempt ended in ridicule, Boo, and finally driven from the scene of history in over a hundred years, that's for the more incumbent upon us an obligation play this role, this time without complaint.

Friday, April 2, 2010

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Catholic Austro-Hungarian

The Polish conservative journalism Austria-Hungary are generally rated better than the other two under the occupation. In this perspective, often they are seen as "the last Catholic Empire" - the last country performing on the political principle of Catholic universalism. It's not quite true. The reality, as usual, was much more complicated. Proaustriackie historical sentiments (some) conservatives - indeed shared by writing these words - idealize the history of the Habsburg Empire in many important aspects.
In the second half of the eighteenth century, nominally Roman Catholic Austria has become one of the leading so-called outbreaks in Europe. erastianizmu - the political aspirations of the Church to the strict subordination to the state. During the reign of Roman Emperor Joseph II (1765-1790), the Enlightenment, "crowned revolutionary", was born in the one of the most brutal erastianizmu varieties, named after its creator named Josephinism. Jozefinska practices persisted in the Habsburg Empire still in the forties the nineteenth century. To describe the multitude of perfidious means used by the Austrian state apparatus to fight with the Church, not have enough room here, at length made a Polish conservative and initiator of the Krakow historical school Fr Valerian Kalinka CR (1826-1886) in his work "and Krakow Galicia under Austrian rule" (1853). Improving
position of the Church in Austria took place only in the era of Bach "(1852-1859), that is, during the cabinet office, Alexander Baron von Bach (1813-1893). Led away its political system ("Bach regime") in the earlier and later historians did not have a good score accused him of centralizing state, the expansion of bureaucracy, government police against Germanization aspirations of the peoples of the empire - In what must surely see a cross claim by him "prey" revolutionary-democratic "spring of nations" in 1848. (No one but probably not by Bach accused of ousting the traditional social order - by abolishing courts patrymonialnych and enfranchisement of the peasants). But it is the study of Bach led to the conclusion in 1855 concordat between Austria and the Holy See. Provisions of the Concordat annul Jozefinska device and confirmed the Catholic character of the state, including introducing supervision of ecclesiastical authority over schools (curriculum control for compliance with the teachings of the Church).
Austro-Hungarian Empire, converted from a dualistic state of Austria under the Constitution of 21 December 1867, shortly afterwards on the basis of parliamentary majority, made up of liberals, the formation of the Government of Prince Karl von Auersperg, known as "cabinet bourgeois" (Bürgerministerium). He proceeded vigorously to implement the provisions of the demands the abolition of the concordat, raised in the forum of parliament for the liberal antyklerykalnie oriented environment since 1861, May 25, 1868, the Council of State voted prepared by "Cabinet bourgeois" three laws: the marriage of education and interfaith relations. They were intended as acts specify in the constitution promises "freedom of conscience" and "freedom of religion", which is a password which had already been in Europe, the standard tools of the struggle against religion (mostly Catholic). Law May zaprowadzały far-reaching (as compared to the previous) secularization of the legal system of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Liberal legislation has broken most of the standards contained in the concordat (including through the introduction of "civil marriage" or to establish a rule that charges for "religious associations" may only be imposed on the individuals involved, as a result, the Austrian Administrative Court began to override the municipalities for financing the construction of churches in the municipal budget). The Catholic character of the state has been the same if not abolished, it is certainly challenged. In his defense, however, stood firmly with the originator of the Concordat of 1855 - Archbishop of Vienna Cardinal Joseph Othmar von Rauscher. Along with other bishops urged the faithful to resist the laws affecting the catholicity of the state. The government responded with criminal repression and attacks by the Minister Karl internal Giskrę stalwart in the person hierarchy. Their acts out, however prevented the Liberals Francis Joseph I, with the bishops of the law of grace. Next (since 1868) head of "a bourgeois cabinet, Edward Count von Taaffe, led in 1870 to formally break podeptanego earlier concordat. Events for the years 1867-1870 are often referred to as the Austrian Kulturkampf.
In light of these facts, the image of the Danubian monarchy as "the last Catholic Empire" turns out to be, at least to some extent, debatable. This part of contemporary native right-wing journalism, which follows the patterns endeckimi, accuses Austria-Hungary (except the heaviest in the optics faults, which is responsible multilateralism empires instead of small-state monoetniczności) that as a country had a character of "archaic" or "frozen", that is outdated. The actual deficiencies in the meantime the Habsburg Empire sprang from his modernism, not the absence of the latter. In an idealized often belle épocque revolutionary modernization but they underwent invasive - and czarist Russia and, perhaps soon, Prussia. It seems that in the Austro-Hungarian Empire s scheduling process proceeded slowly and with the greatest reluctance.
After the destruction of Austria-Hungary by the centers of secular progress made in the years 1917-1918, and planned by them before World War I, only one geopolitical entity was able to replace the old empire in its history (though not always realized) mission: to bring together Catholic nations of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as other peoples of the subregion, not wanting to live under the domination of the German or Russian - which has not become obsolete today. This entity was and is Poland.

Adam Danek

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On the Jews and "Żydowniku Powszechny

sometimes repeated by malicious unduly prejudiced and certainly anti-Semites, saying (supposedly having their source in the Talmud) that " Good Jew, a Jew conspiratorial" - if he treated them seriously - certainly would lead to the conclusion that last "autodemaskacja" honorable men and women editors "Tygodnik , who renamed the Jubilee supplement his memorandum on" General Żydownik "Proves that this environment did not absorb the secret teachings" the Elders of Zion. "Finally, already in the introductory article, written tongue-in-chief Adam Boniecki x., we read that" after sixty five years it is time to take off the mask. "Żydownik General? "Oh please. "

spiteful unduly prejudiced and certainly anti-Semites inevitably replied that the "known circles" were able to over the past years so much gash readers aware of the press, that the obviousness Today it happened, what was once unthinkable, that the presence of these environments, "with an open visor." And again, for their support certainly unfounded prejudices, vicious anti-Semites could reach the passage quoted from the article has already pre x. Boniecki, in which we find out that "it is this obviousness is a great result (our, meaning" tygodnikowego "- editor . R. L) yesterday's effort. "

leave but malicious anti-Semites and certainly unfounded prejudices, to lean over the content of the " Żydownika ." Here we find a lot of articles in which "przepracowuje a" Polish-Jewish relations, of course, with particular emphasis on those of their episodes, which the honorable men and women editors weigh heavily upon this relationship in a negative way, so that the guilty were to be malicious, and certainly unfounded prejudices anti-Semitism fed by the need "release" them to the Poles. For who knows, " where we were today if not for George Turowicz article" Anti-Semitism " written in 1957? What would be the state of our minds without the essay, "The Poor Poles Look at the Ghetto" by Jan Blonski (1987)? How would we be without him and without debate, which provoked, even deal with the problem of Jedwabne? "

Feeding ambition to influence the changing attitudes of Poles towards Jews, the authors' Żydownika " proceed from the assumption that the so-called "Polish-Jewish relations "remain a matter so vital that the name change of their contents, make the transformation of consciousness and historical memory of the nation. Apart from the questionable methodological correctness of using the environment, "okołożydownikowe" by "relationship", which should properly be applied to structured relationships, internally and sterownych consolidated entities as state organizations or other participants of abstract policies, draws attention not only to assign this "relationship "(which would more accurately be called" peer attitudes) enormously significant, but also their one-sided, devoid of criticism of the Jews read history. In our opinion, both of these distortions perceptual result for the same reason, namely the adoption of "the Jewish perspective," in the look of those issues.

become important here is not the attitude towards current contemporary issues, which include a comment when someone is applying for the good of the Polish nation or, more broadly, and Europe's Christian community, but the importance's position in the dispute around issues may be relevant to the interests of Israel, United States, for the dissemination of ideology demoliberalnej or for the benefit of the Jewish nation, or at least one of its parts. So, for the identification of a participant political reality, or at any rate to a person aspiring to such titers, it is essential to his position in the dispute around the articles Turowicz, Blonski, Cichy, Adam Michnik, around a Kosinski books, Kąkolewskiego, Siedlce, around Lanzmana films, Wajda, Spielberg, Polanski, and Zwick the like. "Terms to-stigmata" in this dispute are devoid of any explanatory value of "anti-Semitism" and "philo-Semitism", whose use by one party to the dispute to the other, is equivalent to the designation of the so called, the Schmittian "enemy political. "

but honestly I must admit that the mass fraction Collection "filosemicka" definitely takes up almost completely drowning out the fraction of "anti-Semitic," while carrying usually in your sztafażu ideology of liberal-leftist, in our opinion, does not justify the means of mechanical connection to the "anti-Semitic." No excuse for not because it was connected with some "losses wizerunkowymi", which just like dywagować koniunkturaliści and political opportunists, sometimes numb rozpisujący its strategy texts "Diversion in the world of pop culture, but because the same attitude towards all pseudo-problems wymyślanych by honorable ladies and gentlemen editors' Żydownika General " would no longer form part of our reason to grant them the recognition of special status "of Jewish subjects ". Meanwhile, in our opinion, whether the subject is intellectual as well as heaps of garbage and tons of waste paper produced by its enthusiasts, is not worth it to devote to them even a fraction of our time. We do not intend to explain himself, or the more "sorry" for anti-Jewish actions pre-war Polish nationalists, which did not mean that we are ready for them to express only the uncritical admiration. Perhaps, living in those days we would be in favor of a completely different policies, perhaps the same. Anyway, this chapter of history the Polish national movement and the right belongs to the past, because the majority of Polish Jews, disappeared in the depths of history, and we either do not "miss a Jew", nor do we constantly celebrate his passing - we consider them simply as an objective historical fact, as something what happened and over which there is no point constantly to lean. The presence of Jews in Polish and European history as we look dispassionately, as the Punic wars and disintegration of the Kalmar Union.

Polish nationalism before facing significant challenges and contemporary issues worth taking as globalization, ecology, transformation of the capitalist economy, commercialization and destructive individualism, national communities and regional extinction of the traditional identity, including religious crisis, the problem of political organization, both geopolitical and macro-Europe as well as the new architecture of international relations on a global scale, the demographic invasion of the Orient into Western Europe, and finally, the task of finding a new formula for the universal and the idea of \u200b\u200bhow transhistorycznych tradition, Empire, hierarchy, etc.. This is what we intend to deal with the phalanx, while " Żydownik General " with the anxieties of his honorable men and women editors, in our opinion, should be sent to the trash to recycling.

Ronald Lasecki