Court of agent
Kaczkowski Zygmunt (1825-1896) is one of the "great absent" Polish literature. Popularity of his works is now zero, it is difficult to imagine that any of them could hit the school reading list. One reason for this state of affairs can be manifested in them a deep conservatism of the views of the author. Opus magnum MiniMax is composed of many novels and short stories literary series "The Last of the Nieczujów", started in 1851 short story "The Battle of chorążankę" (published in "Time" - Krakow zachowawców press organ) and continued for several decades. Gained popularity in particular it consists of novel Murdelio "(1852), in which the writer combined elements of several genres: historical novels, sensational romance, gothic novel and noble tale in the style of" Remnants Soplica "(1839) pen of another conservative, Henry Earl Rzewuski (1791-1866). "The last of Nieczujów" is an epic journey into the world Sarmatia, zmierzchający slowly in the era of the partitions. It's also a lively description of the social order in which the fundamental role played by the nobility (mainly medium and small) - a layer which is the soul of the nation, distinguished by a love of tradition and concern for its storage, attachment to the principles of religious and chivalric ethos and spirit of patriotic fervor. The most important works of non-MiniMax cycle, including monumental novel "Olbrachtowi Knights" (1889), written in response to Sienkiewicz's trilogy, for which a competitor in the field of historical literature that the writer was known in his time.
Meets the opinion that the author of "The Last of the Nieczujów" before the war was deliberately pushed into oblivion - with an entirely different reason than his traditionalism. Namely proven him of spying on behalf of one of the occupation. Kaczkowski for many years remained the imperial Austrian intelligence agent (codenamed "Heubauer"), active in the first half of the sixties the nineteenth century, when the conspiracy rozpracowywał for the January Uprising. He was thus instrumental in breaking their nets in the Austrian partition. Sam was at the This compromised, and the insurgent National Government gave him sentence for treason. The writer, however, consistently denied allegations of agenturalność - or simply lied - until he persuaded the authorities to cancel the creation of appeal. The nature of his work for the intelligence was not revealed until the interwar period, after the Polish historian Eugene Barwiński found and studied his briefcase during query in the archives of the services of the now defunct Empire.
known and justly esteemed historian, Dr. Slawomir Cenckiewicz, the columns of unrefined Wprost "expressly odsądził Kaczkowski of worship and faith as a traitor, jurgieltnika and treacherous confidant. Are you sure this is a fair assessment? Uprising in 1863 ended in failure, he had to finish, pulling the Poles under Russian rule (and thus the largest part of the nation) many years of repression in the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania even taking the form of policy of extermination. Mieroslawski Louis, appointed its dictator, was famous from the military ineptitude (zademonstrowanego in Poland and Germany during the "Spring of Nations" 1848) as widely, What about the revolutionary left-wing views. Just a few years earlier, in 1859, before his insurrectionist tendencies zgubnością warned conservatives Klaczko Julian (1825-1906) in his book "Catechism nierycerski" and Walerian Kalinka (1826-1886) in his article "The conspiracies and overt action." Revolutionary concepts Mierosławski and his ilk were in the Land of the widest resonance in the group most susceptible to manipulation - among school children, so we are already on the eve of the outbreak of emigrant columnists moderately conservative circle of the Hôtel Lambert wrote about the "conspiracy of children" providing for its disastrous effects.
party activities took insurekcyjnego particularly dark face in the Austrian partition, covering, among others Sanocka earth - MiniMax homeland. Preserver Helcel Antoni Zygmunt (1808-1870), an eyewitness of those events, says that in the Krakow conspiratorial underground insurgent committed in the years 1863-1864 thirteen political murders whose perpetrators have never entered. For example, the Jozef Miniszewski Alexander (1821-1863), a conservative columnist pisujący to Krakow, "Time" in 1861, protested against the use of the insurrectionary party furnishing churches for political demonstrations. During the uprising was stabbed.
Who, then, significantly harm his nation - the revolutionaries of 1863 and their Kaczkowski inwigilujący? This question, it is now also noted that, in our opinion, does not draw a parallel between the activities of any agent "Heubauera and peerelowskich TW - as you probably would like those who seek to justify collaboration with communism, comparing to the commune authorities, partitioning, and collaborating with her to nineteenth-century loyalty policy. Casusu famous writer has no connection with the cases of all kinds, "Ketmanów", "Bolkow", "Greyów", "Philosophers," Historians, "" Teachers "," Jankowski "," Henrys, "and so the occupation authority - such as Austria, for which he interviewed the author of "The Last of the Nieczujów", has been forced upon the Poles, but, on the other hand, it protected them, because they had a Christian character, in the sixties of the nineteenth century undoubtedly still conservative and thus represent an element of order in a world increasingly podkopywanym by radical (liberal and democratic) revolutions. About any of them can not speak for the degenerate forms of state created by Stalin after World War II as a tool of the Communist revolution - Yalta bastards, such as PRL. While serving the latter, the communist secret police sykofanci serve political power, which it ruled and, indirectly, the ideology that guided this force. If something is cared for, the governments of red. In 1863
„czerwoni” stali jednak nie na czele państwa, lecz powstania.
Adam Danek